BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Just as players and items are spawned into an activity instance, they are also despawned and removed from the game world entirely in various ways. Different types of loot are removed from the game world at different rates and under different criteria.   After five minutes, bodies of AI enemies disintegrate once there are no players within 10 meters. Any loot they are carrying at the time of despawn is immediately dropped and remains on the battlefield to be picked up.   Both enemy loot or items discarded by a player remain in the location it was dropped until picked up by another player.   Loose loot that is spawned independently of enemies does not despawn until the server instance closes.   Players that have been defeated in battle leave behind their body which remains lootable for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, the fusion core in the Guardian Frames will begin to degrade rapidly and eventually explode, despawning the body from the game world. To notify nearby players of a body and its fusion core, it will begin to pulse with light and start beeping for 90 seconds, increasing in speed every 15 seconds. At the end of the 90 second countdown, the body will explode. This explosion causes extreme damage anything within 15 meters, so it is best to avoid a decomposing body.   Packs cannot be Secured and may be removed from a player’s body. The body will despawn after 20 minutes, but their Pack does not.