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Secured Items

The Secured status on an item indicates that the item is temporarily locked to a specific player, meaning other players may not loot or otherwise interact with the item as long as it remained Secured. A Secured item is useless and unusable to anyone but its owner. Secured items may be used by their owner, dismantled, destroyed, or sold to vendors.   Items become Secured by visiting an Encoder within a Safe Zones or Starhawk and paying to apply the Secured status. Items can also have the Secured status removed through Encoder services.   While potentially quite expensive, Securing gear prevents it from being lost upon Death or failed Extraction, making it a very valuable investment. If a Secured item is brought into the field and the player dies while in possession of it, the item loses its Secured status once the server instance closes. However, Securing an item does not prevent Durability loss.   Any Secured items that are lost are held for six hours at which point they are transferred to the player's Transmission Center which can then be reacquired, but they will no longer be Secured. Players may choose to Secure them again.   The six hour delay to receive Secured gear can be reduced by purchasing an Expedited Delivery through The Emporium.