Enemy Tiers in NEXUS | World Anvil
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Enemy Tiers

One commonality among all the different Enemies in NEXUS is the Enemy Tier list. Each Tier is delineated with specific information including iconography and differences in their Health bar. In addition to their various difficulties, they also have different Loot Tables & Drop Rates as well. All enemies can be divided into the following classifications:  


Basic combatants and simple grunts who are straightforward to fight. Their health bars are simply white.  


More difficult opponents who will use abilities and tactics. They sometimes have elemental shields. Their health bars are yellow.  


Powerful opponents who will use special abilities and tactics, and are often extremely aggressive. They have a large health pool and strong shields. They will always have some form of shield. Their health bars are orange.  


Also known as “bosses”. Major adversaries who lead enemy forces and are protected by a variety of underlings. They have a variety of abilities and defenses, almost always with elemental shields and sometimes require specific mechanics to defeat. Their health bars are red.  


Champions who protect the most valuable and strategic resources. They have immense destructive power, a huge amount of health and shielding, and require a team with specific tactics to even stand a chance against. Their health bars are red and have an internal glow.