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The Anomaly

A Lightkeepers was dispatched to investigate. Scanning the area uncovered the wreckage of the barge in the [Ocean of Storms. Examination of the wreckage was indeterminate; it had been destroyed by some unknown force. But after scouring the area, what appeared to be a spatial wormhole was discovered.   No starships or active Jump Drives were anywhere nearby, and it certainly did not appear to be man made. Why this tear was open was an utter mystery, but one thing was clear - it shouldn’t have been there.   The anomaly was a swirling vortex of energy that pulsated with an unnatural iridescent glow. It was similar to the familiar Jump Drive wormholes, but something wasn’t right about it. The distortion of the area was a spherical shape and spanned a diameter of roughly 10 meters. The edges of the rift were jagged and distorted, like ripples in a pond, and emitted a faint humming sound.   As the Lightkeeper approached the rift, the space around them began to undulate and distort, and the hum grew into a roar. The breach was pulling in nearby debris, causing a swirling maelstrom of matter to form around it. Intense gravitational forces emanated from the rift, pulling at the Frame. Suddenly a blast of energy enveloped them and the neural connection their Frame failed. The exosuit was completely disabled.   The Lightkeeper tried to escape the area but it was too late; their MIND Link Symmetry was lost and the connection to the Frame was gone. Because of the severed link, the Frame’s powercore stabilization rapidly degraded leading to a fusion meltdown. The machine rapidly reached critical mass and exploded, annihilating the Frame, its pilot, and the rift. It was a catastrophic loss and a shocking turn of events to AEGIS commanders.   The cause of the fracture and the force behind it remained elusive. Its existence raised serious concerns about the safety of the colonies and enhanced security measures to protect vital shipments. More research needed to be performed by scientific teams and Jump Drive experts, but the incident  led to AEGIS and their Lightkeepers entering a state of high alert.