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The Armory

The Armory is a storage bank for all items and gear that players don’t want to actively use. It is a safe vault, split into multiple pages of slots with 50 slots per page. Players initially have access to one page of slots which can be upgraded over time through gameplay or optional purchases through The Emporium. Additionally, Inventory Containers stored inside The Armory can further increase storage space.   The Armory can be accessed from the player’s Starhawk, Armory Terminals in Safe Zones, and Armory Beacons in Open Sectors.   Anything stored in The Armory is safe at all times, immune to loss or theft in any way. Items can be taken out of The Armory and stored in the player’s Inventory or Loadout.   Hovering over an item in The Armory will give a brief description of the item, currently equipped gear can be compared with those in The Armory to determine the best items to use.