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Guu the Slime

Guu was created through a magical form of jincan when different types of ooze monsters were locked in a container to create a super-ooze. While Guu may not have stared out super in terms of strength, his core being made from an oblex spawn gave him an intellect vastly superior to the average ooze. Half-formed memories absorbed by his parent oblex also gave him the gift of magic and an insatiable curiosity to learn more. Despite the raw information at his disposal, Guu is effectively a newborn and still has a lot to learn about what it means to be a person.   Table of Contents


Welcome to the Jungle

Guu met the rest of the Venture Boys after the Venture was destroyed. His container was part of a mystery lot purchased by Captain Eugene Reynolds that fell from the ship during the Jeweled Eye's attack. Falling onto the same island the crew crashed onto, Guu was found in the jungle napping in his pot and invited himself to join the group. Guu soon proved to be skilled in combat, assisting with fighting a group of pirates by covering Fast James "Jimmy" Deric's retreat and collapsing a tunnel to block off pirate reinforcements. He also proved to be curious, examining his surroundings by eating anything that looked like it might be edible.   As the group continued to survey the island, Guu dined on leeches and spiders before biting off more than he could chew by trying to steal a dead monkey in a displacer beast's den. He found himself ensnared by a tentacle and dragged up a short cliff, which the beast dropped him off before running off after receiving injuries from Guu's companions. Later, at the beach, Guu was introduced to Captain Reynolds who heartily accepted the little slime as a member of the crew. The group then set sail for a new adventure.  

Earning a New Ship

On Mirebol Island, Guu joined the rest of the Venture Boys investigating a fishmen attack on the local village. When one of the fishmen approached the group, Guu was able to identify it as a kuo-toa and used a slimy tentacle to make shapes and communicate past the language barrier. Guu was among the party members in favor of attacking the kuo-toa and used the form of one of their livestock giant toads to battle them with his druid powers. Once Althea started to broker peace with the kuo-toa, Guu maintained this form to intimidate them into submission. He then returned with the rest of the group to the village, spending a few days curiously observing the village animals while they waited for a ship to catch a ride on.   Arriving in Nassau Town, the group took a job to harvest magic crystals from a beached kraken corpse. Inside the belly of the beast, they ran into Vypra and quickly realized she was a member of the Argus Pirates. She briefly tried to convince Guu to join their side as a fellow non-humanoid monster, but he rejected her offer and used his giant toad form's tongue to restrain her and prevent her from escaping. Shortly thereafter, the group took a simple delivery job that was hampered by an unexpected trip into the Feywild. They found themselves face-to-face with a large, hungry fey wolf that Guu and Althea kept distracted while the rest of the group attacked from a distance. Once the beast was dead, Guu ate its cadaver and acquired some of the beast's wind magic for himself.   A week later, Althea stumbled across a treasure map that the group decided to follow. Guu led them through the wilds, following the map though a series of landmarks to find a cave. Inside, they battled their way through wild creatures and hostile constructs before finding an inactive NITEN unit. Guu accidentally woke up N28, who quickly bartered with the young slime for his assistance. He and N64 helped her repair some machinery and were rewarded with chests of silver bars for their efforts. N28 then sent the group to investigate a ruin where Guu knocked out several aggressive kobolds and death dogs before nearly dying himself at the hands of several demons, though his friends were able to rescue him. While he fought demons, his trusty summoned beast spirit pursued the fleeing Arachnor and even stole the drow's bag of holding, though Guu's injuries caused the magical creature to fade away as it fled.   Shortly thereafter, Guu accompanied Jimmy and Althea to search for a missing person in the woods. After the group killed (and Guu ate) a pair of owlbears, they followed tracks from an attacked campsite to a cave where a group of Sea Devils were preparing to raid the town. Guu turned into a lion and carried Jimmy back to town where he grabbed a militiaman, ran to the sea fortress, and narrowly disabled a makeshift bomb before untying the incapacitated guards. He then hopped on the Venture II with his companions, serving as a gunner as they engaged and sunk a Sea Devil frigate.  

Watching Over a Friend

When the Venture II returned to Aliisyos, Guu and the rest of the crew were surprised to find Jimmy had become deathly ill as they approached the city. Captain Reynolds instructed Guu and the other healthy sailors to go ahead of him on a rowboat and get Jimmy help. Guu transformed into a giant toad and gave a few of the others a ride on his back rather than ride in a boat. Once in the city, N28 guided the rest of the group to a local Church of Kelemvor and used her authority to requisition aid.   The priest who examined Jimmy did not know exactly what was wrong but managed to stabilize his condition. It would be some time before he wouldn't be bedridden and Guu offered to stay with his friend and watch over him until he was better. The rest of the Venture Boys took their leave, promising to come back and check on them soon.   Some months later, the Venture Boys were resupplying in Aliisyos and Althea noticed a poster depicting a small, cartoon Guu as the winner of a hot dog eating contest. Guu also made an appearance when Gibby became ill and a magical sneeze caused Guu to briefly switch places with Vinnie Vice.
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