WorldEmber 2023 in Webway | World Anvil

WorldEmber 2023

WorldEmber Pledge by WorldAnvil

Here We Go!

All right! Worldember 2023! So, in past WorldEmbers, I wandered my worlds. Which, to be honest, distracted me to no end. This time, I'm going to try and really focus on one world for WorldEmber. This one is another brand new world, Hoist the Colors!
Hoist the Colors

At the stroke of midnight on October 31, 1712, the world came to an end. It wasn’t done in by blood or war, fire or famine. Not at all. The world ended when a green comet flashed across the full blood moon that night, chased by a haunting, thin laugh...


Ok, Kummer, WHY a new world (again)?

Uhm. It's become a habit?
Seriously, no. This one has a deep purpose. An idea came to me this year in March for a culture and some underlying themes. As one does, I eagerly explained this to my Partner in Worldbuilding/Crime/Dark Mistress of Villany and she said "Ok, that's good. You need to do this for WorldEmber".
Because I trust her beyond what any words can express, here I am.
In between last March and now, other things have happened. Things and events I didn't expect. What started as an idea has turned into something far more ambitious. What is it? Well, I'm glad you asked, True Believers!
Hoist the Colors is being built out to be released as a Forged In the Dark game. If all goes well, this will set up the inevitable of playtesters, art from a carefully selected artist (cause I can't do this alone), an editor (did I mention I know better than to do this alone?), and a bit more. So, By the Forge, I will make this happen and WorldEmber will help me.

What I'm Writing!

Ok, yes, bad joke given what I post out once a week. But! Good question! If you don't know Forged in the Dark, it is very narrative. In fact, there are large portions of what could be called "game mechanics" that are, in and of themselves, almost worldbuilding in their own right.
So, yes. You will see things like "Playbooks" (in Hoist they are called 'Professions') but you'll also see some organizations for the world, mysterious powers, strange creatures, cultures, items... just a lot. Oh, and there is a MAP!
World Of 1722
I may not update the map much, but I'll do my best. As for what articles I write, they will show up below!

The Homework!


Week 1: My Focus!

My overall focus is to get a good foundation under Hoist the Colors. I'm currently working through the game mechanics, so those articles will be showing up. But, because this is Forged in the Dark, theme is critical. So while I dive through the mechanics, I must flush out the worldbuilding with it. In fact, at times I have to build that before I solidify the mechanics.
With luck, WorldEmber will be my NaNoWriMo, with me coming out the other side with a solid draft, or nearly finished solid draft, of the rule book.

Week 2: The Mini Meta!

Since my focus is on the foundation worldbuilding, along with organizations, cultures and more to support the main rulebook. Which means my mini meta may be me casting a pretty wide net.
The entire scope of Hoist the Colors is, and will possibly be, the whole of the altered Earth of 1722. But, True Believers, I'm not starting there. My scope is the Caribbean area. The species, which are already there, cover the globe as do their cultures. But, individuals are stories which have in them elements of their culture.
Also, I'll be writing up the organizations, trading companies, and more that are struggling against - or alongside - each other in this hotly contested area. Some ruins may be covered, and absolutely items and more.
Likewise, there will be magic. Oh yes, there will be magic.
Theme and Mood!
The theme will be one of adeventure, teamwork, exploration, and discovery. But there is a dark undercurrent to it. The world is more dangerous now since it was harshly battered by having parts of a world from another realm smack into it. Also, having magic just jump into the world almost three sheets to the wind as if to say "well, hey there sailor" doesn't exactly help.
Along with that danger is the rise of trading companies who took the opportunity to grab power from long standing empires. This makes them a dangerous threat the world wasn't prepared for in 1722. Many already have gone far down the path of becoming small, tyrannical empires of their own!
Goals? Well that one is straightforward. I'm hoping to have most, or all if I'm very lucky, that I need to launch a rulebook with worldbuilding over to playtesters after WorldEmber.
For this, the Forged in the Dark SRD has a handy thing called 'touchstones'. Which means I'll work on my touchstones for the game right now! Naturally, they're draft as I might change my mind of a few.
  • Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas
  • Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
  • 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne
  • Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson
  • Lightship Chronicles by Dave Bara
  • Powder Mage by Brian McClellan
  • Film and TV  
  • Pirates of the Caribbean directed by Gore Verbinski (and others for subsequent movies)
  • Fullmetal Alchemist by Hiromu Arakawa
  • Stardust based on the novel by Neil Gaiman, directed by Matthew Vaughn
  • Castle in the Sky (Laputa) directed by Hayao Miyazaki
  • Indiana Jones series directed by Steven Spielberg
  • Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World directed by Peter Weir
  • One Piece created by Eiichiro Oda
  • Video Games  
  • Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag and Syndicate developed by Ubisoft
  • Lara Croft: Tomb Raider developed by Core Design originally, then Crystal Dynamics and Eidos-Montréal
  • Dishonored developed by Arkane Studios
  • Uncharted series developed by Naughty Dog
  • Shadowrun series by FASA Corporation, later by Harebrained Schemes and other studios
  • Week 3: The Homepage!

    To be honest, it's a new world. I've been working a little at it for the past few months but there is only a little content there right now. Enough to get a foundation started.
    But to take a critical eye to it, I'm pleased with most of it. The Intro is front and center when someone arrives. It gives a nice flavor of what to expect.
    I think the part that needs work, and often does in my worlds, is the World Codex. It isn't that user friendly and doesn't quite flow. I think it would be better if I guided the user along the path. Helped them along with an introduction, through the game rules (which are as much worldbuilding as anything) which help make a character, and on into the setting and worldbuilding.
    Hoist the Colors

    At the stroke of midnight on October 31, 1712, the world came to an end. It wasn’t done in by blood or war, fire or famine. Not at all. The world ended when a green comet flashed across the full blood moon that night, chased by a haunting, thin laugh...


    Week 4: The Prep!

    So, week 4 is the last minute prep. As Aquaman once said, "I can dig it."
    Writing Exercises!
    No problem. I do that every morning for a few hours. Got that covered.
    Support Group!
    Well... I'm not in a WA chapter. Thought about it more than once, but never quite asked to join as I worried I would drag them down. But, I've my own personal Chaos Muses (that I mentioned above!), and then there is the WorldEmber channel, of course!
    Tidy the Writing Space!
    Check! Done! Most of this is clearing up my tablet with regards to writing. But also my desk which isn't that bad off already
    Stock your Writing Space!
    Ok, this won't be snacks...even if they'll be nearby... but for me this is 100% music to fuel the creative fire. I've a playlist already set up with all the ones that have been lighting the fire in my imagination. Here are three that, in particular, really get me going!

    Bonus Writing Waffles: Some Resemblance to a Writing Plan!

    This one is fairly important. Hoist the Colors, as a game, is built on the Forged in the Dark SRD. BUT! It will be, as might be expected, a derivative. So, with that said, my plan will roughly follow...
    1. Playbooks
    In Hoist, they'll be called 'Professions'. A few are already there to motivate me to get the others done. They are NOT 'classes', but a lot closer to both a 'template' that has a healthy dose of worldbuilding. All because this system is insanely narrative.
    2. Introductions, Game and World setting
    This is a must. I've an 'about' but there needs to be more. Perhaps a wide overview of the world in 1722 after things went sideways to nail down expectations. Certainly worldbuilding. Along with this will be reworking the main Codex/Contents
    3. MAGIC!
    Yes, magic. This setting has a healthy helping of it and ... if I do this right ... it will be unique and stand on its own.
    4. Cultures
    Ah, my favorite. Player characters are so much more than a stack of numbers in a trenchcoat! The good ones have motivation, background, and a culture packed into them to explain their odd behavior.
    This is important as I've some lightweight descriptions there, but something deeper would be better. Especially since players must pick a culture as part of character creation in Hoist! It's critical and CANNOT be skipped after they pick what species they are playing!
    5. Items, Vehicles, and Gear, Oh My!
    Items, which often reflect the cultures they come from, are on the list. These tie into both cultures and the Professions above. Professions will mention them, have a few rules, but a solid description for the more ... 'interesting' ones would be a good idea.
    6. Organizations!
    Where you have people in a setting, you have a group of like minded people causing trouble to other groups of people, or really just being a problem.
    7. Locations!
    Always important. Right out of the gate, this will be about the Caribbean in 1722... but not as you might know it! So some 'splainin' needs to be done!
    8. A Dash of History!
    This includes conflicts and more.
    9. Diceless Mechanics!
    Yep, be afraid. I'm going there. This is, typically, a D6 based system. But, I thought of something that would be closer to in theme for the setting which might be fun as an option to toss away the dice and ... try this alternate method! Naturally, it'll need playtesting, but hey... I need to write it down first!
    All that would be left is smaller pieces, such as the "Actions" and all that I will have dreamed up that deviate from Forged in the Dark but are still Forged in the Dark... well, at least in principle. Since the SRD isn't really rules... they're more like a guideline!
    Maybe, if I put enough sweat and tears into it (and a little luck), I'll have something I can assemble then hand out to playtesters (once I locate willing volunteers!).
      So, By the Forge....   GRAB!   YOUR!   HAMMER!   And go WORLDBUILD!  


    Fresh From the Forge!

      Current Word Count: 26290              

    Cover image: The Star Cluster by CB Ash using Midjourney


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    Nov 9, 2023 20:15 by Elspeth

    Hoist Your Colours sounds amazing! I can't wait to see what you write. Have a great WorldEmber! :)

    Nov 9, 2023 23:19 by C. B. Ash

    Thank you so much! I've lots of plans, hopefully all will be a fun read! You have a great WorldEmber, too!