The Biblioplex Building / Landmark in Nexus | World Anvil
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The Biblioplex

The center of Strixhaven is the Biblioplex, the university’s main library. At the heart of the library is a snarl, a tangle in the fabric of magic, that glows like a miniature sun in the grand Hall of Oracles. A star arch called the Dawnbow curves across the sky above the library, marking its location as a center of mystic learning.   Five lines of beacon-towers radiate from the Biblioplex like enormous spokes. These Torches of Enlightenment stretch out to the five college campuses and beyond, more than a hundred miles into the surrounding countryside. They burn perpetually with magical flame, symbolizing the path toward learning and an escape from ignorance.     BIBLIOPLEX FEATURES:   Magic Stairs. As in all Strixhaven buildings, the stairs and steps leading into and within the Biblioplex are enchanted to move and reshape for full accessibility   Transport Circles. A runic circle is painted on the floor near each staircase in the Biblioplex, as well as at the top and bottom of the steps leading to the main entrance. These circles are permanent, customized teleportation circles. When a user moves onto a circle and mentally focuses on the floor to which they wish to travel, they are transported to the destination floor, arriving at that floor’s runic circle for that staircase. (Students are all aware that entering the second floor is forbidden without permission from a faculty member.) The circle at the bottom of the front steps transports users to the circle at the top of the steps and vice versa.     Biblioplex Locations:   Main Entrance   Biblioplex Lounge Job and club adverts can be found here. See "The Bulletin Board"   Information Desk Three faculty-appointed reference librarians can provide helpful instructions.   Student Store The store sells hats, scarves, tunics, robes, gloves, and other apparel embroidered with the Strixhaven star or with the sigil of any of Strixhaven’s colleges. Magic items can be found at another Central Square location, Helga's Horrid Hordes.   Biblioplex Cafe The café always serves coffee and tea, and has a different soup for each day.   Lecture Hall While a class is in session, each hall holds a professor and up to thirty students.   Study Area These open study areas feature simple wooden tables and chairs. During the day, up to thirty students can typically be found here.   Book Garden Sometime last year, three awakened shrubs wandered in here and settled in each garden, and the university has welcomed them to stay. Witherbloom students frequent the area   Main Stacks In each of these areas, two archivists busily shelve returned or misfiled books.   Hall of Oracles This hallowed hall is filled with statues of the university’s past Oracles. At the center of the hall, a pulsing ball of magical energy—the Strixhaven Snarl—fills the area with bright light.   Student and Alumni Art Gallery   Amphitheater This impressive stage is used for lectures, for assemblies, and as a gathering place in case of emergencies. Magic steps lead up to the stage from the floor of the library.   Student Activities Center This room is filled with tables and chairs and is available to any student organization registered with Strixhaven for use as a meeting place, rehearsal facility, or crafting site, or for other approved purposes.   Student Council Hall The student council publicly debates Strixhaven policies that most affect the student body. The council usually meets on the first day of every month. Outside those meeting days, the room is used for other official university business or stands empty.   Advanced Student Areas: Stacks- Rooms on the Biblioplex’s second floor can be accessed only with keys held by faculty members. All students are warned about the two guardians on duty at all times, who can't recognize students from invaders.   Office- These private offices are for students working on their theses, accessed using the same keys that allow access to the Stacks.   Lounge- This rest area is designed to help stressed-out senior students unwind. Large tables are set up for gaming and shelves are filled with recreational reading material.   The Compendium This area on the library’s third floor holds copies of most of the mundane, widely available written works in the multiverse. The books are inscrutably cataloged, so it’s almost impossible to find anything without requesting information from a reference librarian. At the center of this area stands a statue depicting a mighty, benevolent dragon known simply as "Waterpal"
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