Central Square Geographic Location in Nexus | World Anvil
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Central Square

The Central Square is the heart of Strixhaven. Its extensive grounds include Acheron Hall, dining halls, administration buildings, classrooms and laboratories, and space for social gatherings. This is another location that is used by Nexians and students alike, although all business owners who operate in the square do so at the discretion of Strixhaven.   Many of the dining halls are frequented by poorer Nexians who can afford the discounted meals, all of the businesses serve both sets of customers, and most of the social spaces hold events that anyone can participate in.   The residence halls and classrooms are in the back of the Square, far from where most Nexians would wander. Acheron Hall is inhabited by First Years, Interdisciplinary Studies students, and students who prefer to be closer to Nexus for various reasons. These dorms are known to be huge party dens with shindigs so riotous that they occasionally catch the attention of the Statue Garden residents.
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