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The Grand Multiverse

Nobody really knows how many planes there truly are. Some believe that there is a finite number of planes, merely more than can ever be counted in the combined lifetime of every being in existence. However, others think that the Multiverse is boundless.   However large the Multiverse, Nexus is industibly the exact center. It is probably connected with a large amount of mana lines flowing into it from other planes, also leading to most portals opening in the plane unless another destination is properly selected. Its collapse could cause the destruction of the time stream—an abrupt end of the Multiverse's existence and the near-infinite amount of its planes. That's unlikely to happen. Any time soon, at least.


Dominia is an outdated name for the entire Multiverse. The term was dropped probably due to its confusing similarity to Dominaria, a small plane that once claimed to be the center of all universes, in order to have a great influence on all other planes. This was before Nexus became well-known in the aftermath of the Collision. It is believed to be the center because every plane was once part of Nexus, back when the world was whole. Some experts think that one day, Nexus may shift out of the center and another would take its place.
Alternative Name(s)
Dominia (Outdated)
Included Locations

Articles under The Grand Multiverse


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