Hydra Species in Nibmu | World Anvil


A dragon that is never alone.

Hydras existed in two places in the seas around Nibmu and the swamps. They are large dragon-like creatures with multiple heads. They lack the knowledge to make most offensive magic and have trouble forming the words in their language to create fire. This form of dragon still holds a power more dangerous.    A Hydra holds more magic within its blood than most creatures can create through spirit energy. Such power manifests itself in the form of regeneration abilities. Hydra blood is widely used in potions to heal even the worst wounds. Such energies are hard to replicate without the blood, so those that understand will only use such potions in the direst of circumstance.   The Hydra, like most dragons, are the dominant creature in any region it is in. Unlike most dragons, the Hydra is a creature of solitude creatures.

Basic Information


The Hydra is one of the smaller dragon breeds. They normally stay within the water but are also known to sit above a small pool of water wrapped around a tree. Their tail is long with spikes at every bone joint. Some breeds contain a venom within the spikes others don't. A Hydra's scales are normally one solid green color, but if the scales are any other then the Hydra's spikes contain a venom.   The body of the Hydra is normally the largest part. The scales are soft and able to be pierced much easier than your average dragon. The softness of its scales is one of many reasons why the Hydra is an easy kill for a god. While the soft skin of a Hydra is capable of being slashed and stabbed by any sword, the Hydra can also survive most damage and regenerate.   Every Hydra is born with two heads. When in a battle those heads will strike from two different locations. The skulls of the heads are hard and can be used as a battering ram during a fight. If all else fails, a Hydra's teeth are known to be razor-sharp and able to bite through most armors.    The necks of the Hydra are almost completely boneless. The Hydra will hunt using those heads to bend. The head is also one of the slimmest parts of the body. It is easy for any sword to cut straight through and lob the head completely off.   Hydras will normally have webbed feet.

Biological Traits

A variation in the Hydra is the swamp vs freshwater vs ocean.    The ocean's skin tends to be a bit stronger and a few Hydras develop gills allowing them to survive completely submerged. Those Hydras normally grow to the maximum and will develop a third head. These Hydras are extremely rare, but a few still survive.   Freshwater Hydras are one of the weaker. They tend to never eat anything poisonous so their spikes are never laced with anything. Unlike the swamp version, these Hydras can be eaten without fear of disease. They also are some of the smallest normally not surviving to grow to their full size.   The swamp Hydra. These Hydras are not as dangerous as the ocean. They normally grow to their full size, but only those being hunted ever grow more than two heads. These Hydras will normally eat anything, plant or animal nothing is safe. These Hydra should never be eaten as their bodies are normally tainted with disease, or still hold poisons from their latest meal.

Genetics and Reproduction

Hydra's will generally form nests on the edge of swamps or near the waterline. They will lay eggs and then leave. Eggs tend to grow and hatch without parental involvement. How the eggs are fertilized is unknown. All that is known is Hydra's are born in groups and will go their own ways.

Growth Rate & Stages

Hydras have several stages of growth. The first is the egg where it will grow and eventually hatch into a small teardrop looking creature.    It will mature in the coming years growing in size, after a few days it will grow its first head. They will survive on small microorganisms during this time. When the head emerges it will begin eating bugs and other creatures shooting its head up quickly. Most Hydras die during this stage because of their inability to catch bugs.   Within the next year, another head will form and the Hydra will grow. The Hydra will grow to the size of a small dog. If there are any small creatures around the Hydra will begin to eat those. If not, a Hydra will eat their brothers and sisters to survive. They will also begin migrating during this phase small Hydras will swim to places that hold the most amounts of food for them. If they encounter another Hydra they will normally be eaten by said hydra.   Over the next decade, the Hydra will grow to its full size. Once to its full size, it will normally find an area where it can make a habitat. Once that habitat is created, the Hydra will normally not go more than a mile from it.

Ecology and Habitats

Hydra habitats come in two forms.   The first is a habitat close to the shores normally at the edge of a cliff. Hydras love the coats of the beyond areas, but the island just south is also great for these habitats. Hydras will normally attempt to set in an area with shelter, but if one can't be found it is possible a Hydra will find a location where they can submerge their entire body in water while keeping their head above.    Swamp Hydras will also look for a cave for a habitat. These caves are often in short supply in bogs and swamps. These Hydras often settle to areas that are plentiful in food with low hanging tree branches. Hydras will use their teeth to climb the tree will their tail balances them. These Hydras tend to continue to move around.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Hydras eat much less than other dragons. They can normally survive for several days with a few fish.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The various chemicals the Hydra produce is used throughout the Middle Kingdom.

Facial characteristics

Round face with a mouth that covers half of it. Teeth are jagged and half the length of its face. The eyes are small and red.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Normally found in more southern regions. They enjoy heat and humidity.

Average Intelligence

Normally it doesn't think much past its next meal. If attacked it will attempt to kill their attacker, or if overwhelmed they will try and escape.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

A dragon is still a dragon, and the Hydra still has some of the most powerful magic available. The Hydra is to bestial to use even the most basic magic. The skin magic of the Hydra resides in its blood. Hydra's blood holds some of the most powerful healing magic even conceived. It is capable of healing any wound and any poison.    The believed reason for this is related to the soft scales of the Hydra. Most creatures manage to penetrate it causing wounds to constantly develop. The first magic performed by a Dragon was instinctual, the Hydra survives only on instinct. After years of accidentally healing itself, the blood of the Hydra just became healing magic.   The healing magic became so powerful that things that would normally kill other creatures began making the Hydra stronger. Cutting off a Hydra's head will only lead to multiple heads sprouting in its place. Poisons ingested by the Hydra will result in its scales changing. The poison will then leak out of the spikes on its tail.

Civilization and Culture


The Hydra is considered one of the more unique in the dragon species. It began at a splintering point around the same point where the Wyrm went on land and most of the Sea Orcs went to deeper oceans a group of Sea Orcs moved closer to shore. They ventured around streams eventually losing their gills. They grew smaller to fit into smaller wet areas.   As the Dragon was discovering their magic it is said the Hydra activated theirs. They used to be able to roar and produce a smaller flame but stopped doing it in their region. They learned no other spells so eventually their magic borrowed into their bodies. That magic blossomed into their regenerative blood.    How and why they developed their second head is unknown.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Draco Hydridae
30 years
Conservation Status
If any Hydras still exists they only live because the swamp they live in has a large amount of spirit energy. These areas often interfere with the sensing methods of gods. They force gods to search those areas physically. Most areas have been searched, but some of the more swampy places the gods do not wish to go.
Average Height
Ten feet
Average Weight
120 lb
Average Physique
Surprisingly powerful. Its head can crush stones with only its jaw muscles. Its tail can hit with enough force to destroy most armors and push the spike into anything that attacks.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Normally light green scales with yellow markings.   If the Hydra you are fighting has red where there should be yellow markings then the Hydra there will be a venom within the Hydra's spikes. The red will indicate the venom to be a lethal toxin.   If the green scales are yellow then back away. That Hydra has eaten something rare for their regions, another dragon. The type of dragon can range but normally has to be one of the winged magic-using breeds. The two species interact within their bloodstream due to the mixtures of magic their skin becomes extremely corrosive. If they touch you, you will burn. If it bleeds on you, you will burn. This effect is rare and only lasts a few weeks to maybe two months. During this time, a Hydra will be hyper-aggressive.    If the Hydra if the yellow area of the skin are blue, this indicates a strong psychoactive drug within the spikes. If impaled, the drug will change the victim's perspective and sensations. During the purge, some orc and elf populations hid Hydras and fed them the proper creatures to get the blue tint. The bottled the venom and sold it until a group of hunters found the Hydras and killed them. To this day, that Hydra venom is being diluted and sold.    If the Hydra is purple, the spikes have a numbing agent. This numbing agent is capable of incapacitating a fully powered god. In smaller doses, it can numb areas. Elven doctors use the chemical before surgery.


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