Sea Orc Species in Nibmu | World Anvil

Sea Orc

A mysterious serpent that stalks the waters of Nibmu. The Sea Orc is believed to be a dragon, but even the most avid hunters don't go out into the waters and battle the creature.   The Sea Orc is a massive serpent it normally stays out in deeper waters but has been known to come to land to lay eggs.

Basic Information


A Sea Orc has no arms nor legs, they sport fins on the top portion and every few meters across its body, and one long fin that runs from the bottom of it's head down to its tail.    A Sea Orc has little in the way of bones, it slithers through the waters like a snake. This assists the Sea Orc in attack pray. It is unknown if it is the biggest thing in the waters of Nibmu, but seafarers tell stories of Sea Orcs coming out of the water to battle against the just as feared Kraken.   When fighting the Sea Orc holds several weapons. It can travel at speeds fast enough to break even the strongest ships in half. Its jaws are massive capable swallowing full schools of fish. If all else fails the Sea Orc can rise from the depths and breath a blast of ice.    Across the waters, no sight chills a sailor's blood faster than seeing a Sea Orc's fin charging them.

Biological Traits

The length of the Sea Orc ranges greatly. The older ones can stretch for almost a quarter of a mile while rumors speak of one that is wrapped all along Nibmu.    It is said that the Hydra is another version of the Sea Orc. The Hydra is a much smaller version of the Sea Orc, with multiple heads. The  Wyrm is also a variation on the Sea Orc. Some believe that the Wyrm my be the first land dragon with the Dragon coming after.

Genetics and Reproduction

The dwarfs to the north categorize an interesting habit of the Sea Orc. When they moved into the region the Sea Orc interfered with the fishing of the region. The dwarfs panicked, but their king managed to speak with the creature. They are still the only other species to write about the Sea Orc's reproduction.   Sea Orc eggs cannot be fertilized in deep water nor can smaller Sea Orc survive the pressure. Adult Sea Orcs have to head to shallower waters to mate. It is believed that the Sea Orc normally goes for warmer climates, and may one of the fear creatures to prefer the Beyond Lands for mating.    Female Sea Orcs lay their eggs at the shoreline close enough to the surface that they will be safe from the environmental killers, but far enough from the water line that the parents can still protect their offspring. The eggs will grow over the course of several months and will be born after size months. The creature will be small enough to fit in the palm of a god's hand.

Growth Rate & Stages

Sea Orcs are born with the ability to take and spray water. It is not as dangerous as the parent's blast but shows the potential for the creature. If taken out of the water a Sea Orc will be fine it will normally attempt to bind their bodies around anything it can stretch around. Explorers have found baby Sea Orcs in trees. It is normally not a good idea to approach said creatures.    The baby Sea Orcs tend to grow slow. Fifty years can pass before a baby Sea Orc is even considered a teen. Sea Orcs will not remain close to shore for long though. Sea Orcs develop their scaly shells, and the ability to live at the deeper depths within a few months. The mothers will take their children into her mouth and travel to the depths.

Ecology and Habitats

Sea Orcs are at home in the deepest depths. When young a Sea Orc is happy as long as it can wrap itself around another thing, but as it grows older it becomes much more accustom to the depths of the ocean where it is king. Few creatures match the size of the Sea Orc in the water, and it holds only one real contender for the dominant species.   The Sea Orc survives by eating several schools of fish a day. Only a few Sea Orcs can survive in one given location. If too many Sea Orcs attempt to live in one area the Sea Orcs tend to fight until one leaves.

Dietary Needs and Habits

A Sea Orc survives off of fish. Will eat anything that threatens it including any sailor that risks its waters.

Biological Cycle

Completely unknown. It was thought that the Sea Orc holds a similar life span as the Dragon, but it is impossible to know. No explorer wants to see more than one Sea Orc in their life, those that have tended to not know if it was the same one.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Giants will lure Sea Orcs into their waters looking for seafood.

Facial characteristics

Small yellow eyes, with round pupils. Large jawline made to swallow large amounts of fish at once. Fins extending off the sides of the face hiding its gills.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Sea Orcs prowl the waters and goes wherever it wants. It prefers waters farther south but doesn't mind colder waters. Will often appear across the coastline of the north. It is said to be in the waters just off the coast of the Beyond Lands.

Average Intelligence

Unknown for sure. Survivors of Sea Orc attacks are rare, but they believe that the creature figures out what they are partway through the fight. Normally a Sea Orc will attack ships with water instead of ice for unknown reasons. It is said that ships that attacked a Sea Orc were some months later attacked by the same Sea Orc meaning the Sea Orc pursued it over several miles of water.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Sea Orc spends years in the water using it's hearing little. The Sea Orc's sight has worsened from the darkness, but its sense of touch is something to marvel. For miles the Sea Orc and feel anything moving around them. They are impossible to take unaware when below water.   When above the Sea Orc is a capable fighter, but often relies on magic. It can breathe an ice blast capable of freezing opponents at a distance. After the Orc will normally slam its head into it causing the frozen thing to shatter. The intelligence of the creature is questionable, but it is believed to know when it is battling a boat compared to another sea creature. At times the Sea Orc will release a blast of pure water at boats sending several crews flying into the water.

Civilization and Culture


The Sea Orc is one of the most mysterious dragons. While most dragons no one knows much about because they are dead, the Sea Orc knows little because no one wants to know.   One theory is that the Sea Orc wandered around Nibmu. When looking at older Sea Orcs you will find a small hole on the top of their head leading researchers to believe that it once held a blowhole. This leads many to believe that at one time they could survive on land. A few Sea Orcs pulled themselves onto land eventually evolving into the breed Wyrm. latter those same Wyrms would evolve again growing legs and wings.    Many Sea Orcs stayed in water leaving the small shores to go deeper. The Sea Orc's skin became tougher as it adjusted to the depths. It grew in size and began learning of its magics. The Sea Orc managed to become its current size and dominates the oceans.    During the Dragon Wars, a group of gods went out to sea to see if any other dragons existed. They found one single Sea Orc. The gods battled it in a back and forth attack. The battle ended with several gods dead and their boat destroyed. The Sea Orc survived the firs engagement. By this time the Sea Orc was a true animal. They carried no language similar to the dragons on land and were considered their own creature for a time.    After the war, another group of gods sailed out to find the Sea Dragon as they called it. None returned.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Draco Orcadraciforme
Average Weight
Average Length
2,088 ft
Average Physique
Few creatures are more powerful than a Sea Orc. Sea Orcs in the water are some of the most terrifying creatures to encounter. Their ability to break a ship in two using only its jaws terrify sailors. The ice breath they use tends to destroy any opponent they come across. The only creature that has been seen standing toe-to-toe with is the equally terrifying Kraken.   The Sea Orc often moves and several tens of miles an hour. It can circle Nibmu multiple times in only a few minutes swimming at its max speed.   Big and powerful beyond compare. The Sea Orc is the only dragon that gods fear to find. The gods attempted to hunt this creature down for a few years after the Dragon Wars, the gods that went never returned. The only god to ever battle an Orc found it near a nest. The god nearly died and only just managed a few wounds on the creature.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Blue on top white on the bottom with aqua weaved into the scales.

Articles under Sea Orc


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