Nidavellirian 884th Heavy Dragoons Military Formation in Nidavellir | World Anvil
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Nidavellirian 884th Heavy Dragoons

The 884th is a regiment of the Imperial Guard, raised on Nidavellir. In Nidavellirian tradition, regimental numbers are recycled when the original is destroyed, lost or otherwise becomes non-existent, with the new incarnation expected to carry on the traditions of their predecessors, sharing in any previously won glories and bitter defeats.
  The number 884 is considered auspicious, with some major victories to its name. In the current Age of Strife, it is hard to replicate these legendary exploits, with every day being a bloody struggle for survival. Dragged out wars of attrition in desperate defence of vital war industries simply do not stir the spirit as much as resounding conquests or the clarion call of holy wars. Yet the men and women of the 884th set themselves to their task with determination. They have been taught all their life how the Imperium stands for safety, justice and glory, and they feel proud to accomplish even a small bit of this in service to the Throne and the Emperor.
  The 884th is a Heavy Dragoon regiment, meaning a strong core of mechanized infantry, with organic armour and artillery detachments. Heavy Dragoons are used to force a breakthrough, pummeling an enemy defensive line with such a concentration of strength it cannot hold. This gap is then quickly reinforced and exploited by mechanized reserves standing by. Many are the warlords who have thought their flanks secure, only to see their strongpoints breached by the yellow and black of the 884th.
  The Departmento Munitorum, and wider Imperium as a whole, carry a deep mistrust for self-sufficient military units. If one is not reliant on others to function in a warzone, any betrayal will be far more hard hitting. As such, the 884th
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