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Sun Islands

The Northern Passage's Greatest Secret

The Sun Islands are two chains of 15 islands hidden by the storms of the The Northern Passage. Only the Cove Sprites can reliably navigate the turbulant waters to find the secret warm water currents that form oceanic roads to and from the islands.


Cove sprites first found the Sun Islands when they departed from Zenxon, likely sometime between the 6th and 12th centuries, as Linakran settlers were battling Zenxonian Sprites for the island. Though cove sprites have since settled in other parts of the Western Islands, the location of the Sun Islands remains a secret, guarded by the violent storms of the Northern Passage. Cove sprites prefer it this way and noticably refused to build Transportation Stations on their islands.

Geography and Climate

The Sun Islands sit near the eastern end of the Northern Passage, between northern Zenxon and northern Suxad. While these coastlines get buffeted by cold winds off the Major Continent, the mountains of Stormbreaker Island, the longest of the 15, block the fiercer storms coming from the north. They also sit in the middle of a hidden warm water current, known as the Sun Current by the cove sprites.
In the summer, the islands are pleasantly warm with very long days, giving the islands their name. Even during the warm months, the islands get cold rainstorms, usually coming over Stormbreaker's mountains. In the winter, there is little daylight, but the small size of the islands and the Sun Current moderates the temperature, keeping the area from becoming too cold. Though the Toya Mountains see snow, the storms that reach the other islands typically turn to rain.

Flora and Fauna

As Tilli went from island to island, sketching the animals, she decided the Sun Islanders had no need to fear her giving away the location of their home. Even if she showed her pictures to someone, no one would believe her.


A hardy, fast-growing evergreen, the izel grows on both the northern coast of Zenxon and the west side of the Stormbreaker Mountains. It is likely these trees do as much to weaking oncoming storms as the mountais themselves.


Taso wood is the primary material for building boats and houses on the Sun Islands. It is light weight and flexible, and the trees can grow several feet in a year, making them easy to replenish. Its large leaves can be used to thatch roofs and the sap can be cooked to seal the wood. While the tree is native to the Sun Islands, the cove sprites have introduced it to several other islands.


Cove sprites grow abica in between other plants because their bitter taste deters pests. Though their star-shaped flowers are poisonous, their stems are a spicy herb commonly found in Sun Island cuisine.


The Aadia tree is found in most areas with large populations of sprites, who use its fibers to make clothing. It is likely the early settlers of the Sun Islands brought this tree with them from Zenxon.


Salvi is a staple crop on the Sun Islands, as it is also a staple of Sun Island cuisine. A squat plant that reaches about 1 ft. high, its large leaves are served with most dishes and cab be eaten either fresh or roasted. In addition, its seeds can be pressed for oil and its sap can be used to treat burns.


Only growing 6-15 ft in height, the vante tree is not as tall as the taso. Found only in the Sun Islands, this tree produces a small, crunchy citrus fruit that can be eaten fresh or fermented into alchohol. The bark is also used in making medicines.


The drabo is one of the characterizing flora of the Sun Islands. Perfering to grow in water, fields of it are often seen along the coasts of various islands. It produces red flowers which later give way to fruit. The fruits are often dried, and the stems and roots are used for medicines.

Dragon Potatoes

Like the aadia tree, dragon potatoes are another plants found in both Zenxon and the Sun Islands, and it likely early settlers brought them over. Dragon potatoes are favored in Zenxon because they are able to keep themselves warm. This, and their leaves, which stretch outward like the wings of a dragon, are where they get their name. A dragon potato grows several sets of leaves above one another, and finally several flowers above those. The flowers come in a variety of colors, but their smell is typically likened to that of dead fish. Fortunately, they wilt after a few days, signaling that the potato underneath is ready to be dug up.


The mide plant is a grey-green vine with heart shaped leaves and blue and purple flowers. It is often grown decoratively on homes or cut to be used for special ocassions. The vine must be carefully tended, however, as it is fast growing and has a tendency to choke out other plants.


The raila fish is unique to the sun islands and a staple of the local diet. These fish grow to about 2 ft. in length, and range in color from deep brown to bright red, though males change color when spawning.


Larger than the rida, the spiro is another seabird with a 2-3 ft. wingspan. Males are typically red and orange, while females are green and yellow. They have long legs which allow them to wade through the water while hunting, but also known for their airborne acrobatics. These birds are migratory, and the Sun Islands appear to be their primary nesting ground, probably also finding protection from predators amid the storms. Such protection is important, as the birds are very noisy and are usually heard before they are seen.


The rida is a seabird found only in the Sun Islands. It has bright blue feathers and a wingspan of up to 1.5 feet. Males additionally have red neck feathers. They pimarily eat fish and shellfish and have been known to use tools to open clam shells. Though there are plenty of wild rida throughout the islands, the cove sprites there have also domesticated them for both meat and eggs.


Native to the Sun Islands, this burrowing rodent has become a popular pet throughout the Western Islands. The tuva is considered cute for the cheek pouches in which is stores food, but owners must learn to handle them properly to prevent being stuck by the spines on its back.


The armored topia is an omnivorous burrowing mammal found only in the Sun Islands. They have sharp claws on their front feet, which help them to dig, and a long snout with sharp teeth. They primarily eat insects and other small creatures found in the ground, but they also eat plants, including mide and abica, remaining unaffected by the latter's poisons. As topia reach adulthood, they develop armored plates, which cover most of their body, except for their exceptionally long ears. Though they have poor eyesight, they have excellent smell and hearing. Their hearing helps them to identify if a rida bird is nearby. Adult topia and rida can be formiddable enemies, as they each consider the other's young to be quite the delicacy.
As the Sun Islaners used the mide plant to attract topia to their homes, as they kept down the population of unwanted insects. Over time, they also bred a new variety of the topia. Known as the fatty topia because it is slightly larger, this second variety does not have armored plates, though it has a longer tail, which it will balance on to stand on its hind legs. This usually allows it to defend itself if attacked. They have also been bred for disposition, however, and do not typically attack the Sun Islanders themselves. In addition to pest control, the Sun Islanders use the fatty topia for meat, as it is larger and easier to kill.

Government and Foreign Relations

We came here to escape conflict and every day, we thank Reed and Rane for sending the storms that keep conflict out.
— Sun Islander
The Sun Islands' system of governance resembles that of the Huxoth, as it centers on increasingly wide communcal gatherings which meet to discuss and make decisions. Anyone who is considered an adult is allowed to take part. Because the islands are so small, many of them can host such meetings where the whole island can gather. Island councils will elect elders to lead these meetings and to help settle disputes. When necessary, all the leaders (and sometimes other representatives) will gather to make decisions for the chain as a whole, and even to elect someone to represent the Sun Islands collectively in foriegn affairs if necessary.
While the Sun Islanders will sometimes send a representative away to engage in global politics, they rarely invite representatives from other nations to their home. Nevertheless, the Sun Islanders do trade with many other nations in the Western Islands, as well as Suxad. Their primary export is Aadia fabric, though they also generate a sort of traveling tourism, in which Sun Islanders will travel down the western coast of the Minor Continent offering boat rides. They will even ferry people to different locations, just never to the Sun Islands.
Major exceptions to keeping away outsiders are Dragons Mermish. Ice dragons from the major continent have learned to navigate the turbulant winds of the northern passage as well as the cove sprites navigate its waters. Their navigational skills, as well as their experiences being outcast from other societies has forged a strong relationship between the two groups, and the ice dragons maintain the secret of the islands' location.
The Mermish have mastered the ocean differently than the cove sprites, traveling underwater and navigating by the feel of the ocean currents or in simple boats, using magic to part the water. But even most Mermish avoid the unpredicatble Northern Passage. Nevertheless, a history of friendly competion in the discovery of islands has developed into a strong bond, including intermarriage between the two groups. As a result many Mermish have been invited to the islands, and many of those who have visited have learned how to identify the currents underwater, allowing regular visits to continue.


  • Sun Islands
Alternative Name(s)
The Haven
Location under
Inhabiting Species

Meet the Islands

  • Stormbreaker--The largest of the islands, long and narrow. It consists almost entirely of its own mountain range. Its name is derived from the fact the the storms in the Northern Passage are weaked whether they go over or around this island.
  • Shadow--The second largest island, and the largest where people live. It is also the closest of the all the other islands to Stormbreaker, so it is named for living the mountains "shadow."
  • Howl--This island gets heavier winds than the other islands, and in some places it is said to howl like a monster
  • Toya--This culture of this island centers on art and storytelling
  • Tat--Toya's "sister," this island is known for its dedication to music
  • Merkys--This island is known for several underwaater caves
  • Raila--The waves around this island are the most turbulent and difficult to navigate. For those who don't live there, traveling to and from Raila is seen as a preparation for their coming of age. It is also the largest breeding ground for the raila fish
  • Low--Aside from Stormbreaker, this is the southern most island of the northern chain
  • Aadia--The largest island in the southern chain. This one is named for its dense growth of Aadia plants.
  • Rain--This island earned its name because it recieves more rain the the other islands (aside from Stormbreaker)
  • Tiltina--This is the only other island with mountains
  • Duckback--This island gets its name from its shape
  • Drum--This round island is the chain's largest farming operation.
  • Thill--Thill and Yop are furthest from their neighbors.
  • Yop--the smallest of the islands, which sits partially outside of the Sun Current. The cove sprites who live here are known to replace shells in their jewelry with stones that wash up on the western coast, often polished by the ocean.

Pilgramage to the Sun Islands

Many cove sprites who are not born in the Sun Islands travel there sometime after their coming of age ceremony. Because the islands are hard to find even for cove sprites trained elsewhere, it is best to find a guide the first time. Once they arrive in the Sun Islands, many cove sprites stay for a year or more to continue navigation training and improve their skills.


The Sun Islanders do not have an official military, though able-bodied adults may be called on to form island militias in the event of an attack. For the most part, the Sun Islanders rely on the storms of the Northern Passage to protect them from enemy attacks. Some Sun Islanders join militaries in other islands that they have alliances with. In the event of an attack on the Sun Islands, these islands would come to their aid if possible, as would the ice dragons. To date, no such attack has occurred.


The dominant religion in the Sun Islands is the Calistian faith, though some combine it with others. Shrines dedicated to the Calistian gods are found in most homes, as well as in many public buildings, such as schools. Though shrines can be dedicated to a variety of gods, they are most commonly dedicated to Reed, the god of wind, and Rane, the god of water, who are viewed as the islands' protectors.

Cover image: by Johannes Plenio


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Jul 17, 2024 12:25 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Such a lovely detailed article. I really like the discussion on the different flora and fauna, and that you've got a little bit of information about all the different articles.   Also, that textile map is beautiful.

Jul 17, 2024 18:48 by Marjorie Ariel

Thanks for taking the time to read it!

Aug 14, 2024 03:36 by Lady Wynter

You covered a lot in this article. It's definitely interesting to see a group of islands that only a few can get to.

Bringing the Light
Aug 17, 2024 02:11 by Marjorie Ariel

Thanks. I has just started developing the Cove Sprites, and I thought it would be interesting if their home was sheltered by the storms, rather than from them.