
The Capital of the Federated Union of Eastern Kalin, Cam is a purpose built city that was intended from its beginning to be the capital for the nation it serves as a capital for.    The city is well known for its massive amount of governmental offices and various administrative support office. It is also the home of the Presidential Residence (and by extension, the Union President), as well as the Union Senate, and the Union Prime Judiciary.   The cities nature as the political heart of the Union has often led it to be called "the Union's Viper Zoo."


The cities role as the heart of the Union political apparatus means the city is mostly filled with politicians, support staff, and bureaucrats, as well as locals who support the living of those people. Racially the city is a melting pot due to having representatives from all over the Union, but the city is primarily made up of Humans, Olark, Half-Orcs, Dragonborn, and Wood Elves.


The city is one of the most defended cities in the Union. All of the arms of the Union military have their primary headquarters in Cam; and the Union Army and Union Air-Navy maintain huge and ready garrisons both in and near the city.


The city was built a few years after the founding of the Union, though it is known for being unnamed for nearly 60 years, being called "the capital" during that time. It was only after Gareth Pancem and many of his political allies and followers died of old age that the city was finally named Cam, in honor of Tutiro Cam for his role in the early founding of the nation.
Founding Date
19 3A
Alternative Name(s)
The Union's Viper Zoo, The Heart of Corruption
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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