Guilds, Companies, and Unions

As the continent undergoes industrialization and change, the role of the various organizations within also change.   Guilds have been a staple of the of the continent since the early Second Age since the signing of the Guild Compact in Atresa. Generally, Guilds are groups of like-minded professionals who register with the Federated Union of Eastern Kalin (and several signatory nations) and can practice their profession as a group. This can include blacksmith Guilds, Merchant Guilds, and even Adventuring Guilds. While people are generally members of a Guild, and may hold rank, they are not "employees" of a guild, and are instead independent and represented by said Guild. The Union registry prevents too many repeat Guilds from popping up in order to stop market chaos, but allows some competition in order to maintain fair pricing and market benefits. Guilds have been declining the last few centuries from their peak in the late Second Age.    Companies are different from guilds in that they don't have to represent a specific trade area. Companies and Guilds are both profit driven, but usually the money gained by a company is for the benefit of its founders/owners, not for each member. Additionally, companies are registered with any local or national government and don't fall under the Guild Compact.   Unions or Trade/Labor Unions are something of a modern offshoot of guilds. Unions are organizations of workers/employees who come together to achieve common goals, such as trade integrity, improving safety standards, improving pay, and more. They usually negotiate with Companies on behalf of its members, and maintain some basic leadership to handle this process. Unions are a newer concept in Kalin, and have caused much friction between growing companies approaching monopolies and the workers they hire.


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