Rycerz Herolda (Ri-Cer-ZZ Hae-r-old-a)

The Rycerz Herolda are a Knightly Order/Special Forces group in the Kingdom of Aurelia. Usually chosen from among the standing army, Rycerz Herolda are soldiers and notable servants of the state charged to protect their local Allod and the nation at large.    Rycerz Herolda are legendary across the continent. Once, they were famed for their signature enchanted feather frames and fierce cavalry charges. They are also known for being the title that the famous Second Age heroes, the Wayfarers, held. As war and warfare has changed, the Knightly Order has as well, now being known as expert special forces combatants.    Each Rycerz Herolda has what is called the "Eyed Triangle of Loyalty," with each point representing a loyalty the Rycerz must uphold. The three points of the triangle represent their loyalty to the people of Aurelia, their loyalty to their brothers and sisters of the Rycerz Herolda, and finally their direct loyalty to the lord or lady who raised them to Rycerstwo (Knighthood). At the center of the triangle is the crown, representing that beside their other loyalties they must never confuse nor forget their loyalty to the Crown of Aurelia above all.


Each Rycerz Herolda swears their oath to their Allod and the nation, though they are effectively beholden to their Lord or Lady. There is, however, a Rycerz Dowodca (Knight Commander) in the capital city of Avolen. This Dowodca is responsible for leading the order as a whole, overseeing inductions, signing paperwork, and representing the order in the court of Aurelia.   Most Rycerz Herolda in the common day listen to the Dowodca over their local Lord or Lady due to the fact that many are raised to the status by the King/Queen, or the Dowodca, instead of the Lord and Lady.    This has led to some "dual loyalty" situations, where Rycerz Herolda raised to their position by the Dowodca/Monarchy tend to owe more of their core loyalty to those institutions over their assigned Lord/Lady. Meanwhile Rycerz Herolda nominated by their local lord or lady tend to have more loyalty to that person than the central monarchy.


The Rycerz Herolda originate from the original followers of the Zwiastowaci. After the war that saw the creation and formation of Aurelia the Rycerz Herolda continued to serve their respective lords and their families of the Zwiastowaci. As time went on the order continued to recruit to keep its numbers strong.   In the late Second Age, the most famous Rycerz Herolda were by far the Wayfarers, the famous heroes of the age.    In the Third Age, as war and warfare changed, the Knightly Order changed as well. First, the training changed. As cavalry charges and mounted knights became less and less common, the Rycerz Herolda began to focus more on firearms and mixed weapons training, which has continued to this day. Then, when general Rycerz (knights) became a purely honorary title and not an active military force, the Rycerz Herolda began to be drawn from the standing army, and not just the knights. Finally, the rules were changed so that the King or Queen, along with the Rycerz Dowodca, can nominate Rycerz Herolda and assign them to an Allod, effectively taking the sole Rycerz Herolda creation power from the Lords and Ladies (though they could also nominate Rycerz Herolda as well).
Founding Date
2088 1A
Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
Winged Knights, The Order of Heroes
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization


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