The Battle of Lyath'Or, The Battle of the Frozen Temple, and the Fall of the Twister of Forms

Military action

752 2A

"This was only the beginning, The Return Comes" - The Twister of Forms

After the Battle of Castle Hyperios Sorra Norixious continued to travel Kalin chasing her foe, the mysterious Half-Orc "Warlock" now known to be the Twister of Forms.   During her journey, she reunited with Tutiro Cam and Gareth Pancem in the city of Lyath'Or. They reunited during the titular Battle of Lyath'Or when mercenaries from the (now defunct) Guild Ubank of Ibrim and Gir'An attacked the city.   After escaping the besieged city Sorra, Tutiro, and Gareth traveled north to the lands of the Northern Tribes, where Sorra met her now famous companion Mjorkind, and gathered forces with the rest of her family, including Qaren Norixious. She was also joined by Dwarven soldiers of Eir-Bron, Drow soldiers of Lyath'Or, Dragonborn of her clan, and several tribes of Norsemen.   This makeshift army pushed towards where the Twister of Forms planned to enact another ritual to put out the sun. He was destroyed by Sorra, Qaren, Gareth, and Tutiro while the makeshift army destroyed his own force of mercenaries and Gir'An. This became known as the Battle of the Frozen Temple.   While hotly debated at the time, this battle has been well confirmed by archeology now along with letters and in-person testimonies. Hindsight also shows us that the Twister of Forms was an initial servant of the Forgotten/The Return, trying to kick start the Return early.

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