History of Kalin

The timeline of the continent of Kalin

  • ?? - 0 1A
    The Pre-Torva'Ir and Wars of the Undying Empire
    Era beginning/end

    "Beyond our borders I see chaos. Races unclear in their purpose, cruel kings driving their desperate people to ruin, magic users corrupting those around them. We as Immortals have a duty and obligation to put an end to this and bring peace and stability to the world." -Sullia

  • 0 1A
    The Age of Immortals (First Age) Begins
    Era beginning/end

    "The Chaos is ended. Now we Torva shall guide and instruct the younger races towards a better tomorrow. The Age of Immortals begins" -Sullia

  • 0 1A - 800 1A
    The Formation of the Torva'Ir and the Building of the Immortal Cities

    "Upon this spot I hereby declare a new beginning for all races in this land. The Torva shall guide the younger races in the building of a kingdom that stretches from sea to sea, and we shall work towards the betterment of all under its domain." -Sullia

  • 800 1A - 1633 1A
    The Golden Age of Sullia and Contact With The Ancient Dwarves
    Diplomatic action

    "Those who under my rule must be safe and thriving. They must be able to pass from one end of the Empire to the other without molestation or disruption. Trade and Cultural exchange should be constant and easy, both for Immortals and the Younger peoples." - Sullia

  • 1634 1A - 1657 1A
    The Great War and the Death of Sullia
    Military action

    "If I cannot stand for my Empire in its darkest days then I am no Empress. If it means my death so be it, but I shall stand." - Sullia, a few days before her death.

  • 1657 1A - 1674 1A
    Aftermath of the Great War, The Tyranny of Abberon, and The Dragon War
    Cultural event

    "Sullia was the grandest of us, and ruled with the lightest touch. But Sullia is dead, and I am Emperor." -Abberon the Mage

  • 1675 1A - 1679 1A
    Assassination of Abberon and Initial Rule of Corai
    Political event

    "Mourn the hero my husband had been, not the tyrant he became." -Corai

  • 1680 1A - 1712 1A
    The War of Plain and Mountain and the Following Interregnum
    Military action

    "As long as I am King and Emperor of the Elves we shall know war, and I shall drive Dwarven-Kind from this land for the betrayal and cowardice displayed by your race.” - Corai
    "No King Rules Forever" -Fimud Firestone

  • 1713 1A - 2006 1A
    Rise, Reign, and Ascension of the Grey King.
    Political event

    "I will not abide this weakness further, the Torva'Ir shall be great once more." -Morlin

  • 2006 1A - 2012 1A
    Rise and Tyranny of Corlin
    Political event

    "Am I not owed what my father built? Am I not the scion of The Grey King? Am I not worthy?" - Corlin

  • 2013 1A - 2077 1A
    War of the Torva
    Military action

    "An Empire Divided Cannot Stand." -Lord Narrfini

  • 2078 1A - 2095 1A
    The Fall of the Torva and the End of the First Age.
    Era beginning/end

    “We are witnessing the changing of an era. The splendor and dignity of Elven kind gives way to that of the mortal races, and the Age of Immortals comes to its inevitable conclusion. While we are by no means gone, our influence on our world can only wane. Our once proud Immortal Cities have fallen, and so has our race. The Age of Immortals has ended, so begins the Age of the Fallen Cities." -Xune

  • 0 - 354 2A
    The Unexpected Calm, the Introduction of Technomancy, and the End of Peace
    Discovery, Scientific

    "Explosions are merely forceful discoveries" -Mundoli Musoon

  • 355 - 387 2A
    Emergence of the Dark Drow and Dwarves, and the Plague of Virnos
    Plague / Epidemic

    "The signs include bleeding from the eyes, blood tainted urine, and weeping pustules. I advise treatment by a paladin, cleric, or priest if possible. In the regular case where there is no holy healer available, the disease may run its course in 1-2 weeks, especially in those of strong constitution. If bloody coughing is observed, the patient is doomed and should be expected to expire in 2-5 days." - Virnosian Doctors Notice

  • 389 - 444 2A
    Chaos in the Torva'Ne, Wrath of the Elementals, and the Legend of the Undead Dragon
    Disaster / Destruction

    "What, exactly, is so great about the knife ears forest to be worth marching an army into it? I don't get it." -Atresan Merchant Tulvan Cam

  • 468 - 559 2A
    The Rise of Embrel and Virnos, The Guild Compact, and the Beginning of the Green Dragon War

    "We shall not suffer these overgrown lizards to insult us like this. We shall drive them into the sea, where they will either leave our rightful home, or they shall perish." - Shogai Odan Nobun

  • 574 – 593 2A
    The Rise of Tharrisia and Fall of Singlar
    Military action

    "We Came. We Saw. We Conquered." - Legatus Julian Sala

  • 599 – 640 2A
    The Balmoth Crusades and the War of the Frozen Crown
    Religious event

    "The Northman may be strong and bestial, but we should pity them! They need the Light of the Mantle brought to their homes, to their doors, to their families. They need to see the Light of goodness or the light of the purifying flame. Join me brothers and sisters, and we shall show the savages that our desire for peace is equally tempered with a drive for divine justice!" - Rohila Dahroe

  • 647 – 652 2A
    The First Virnosian War
    Military action

    "Summon the Guilds. If Virnos wants a war, they shall find that our will and piles of gold will equal their thirst for conquest." - Primor Uval Jivalan

  • 655 2A
    The Assemblage of Mages

    "We are hereby resolved with this gathering, that the education and proliferation of magical knowledge and understanding shall be communal and not restricted by race or financial status, nor shall the driving force of education be profit or power. All who wish to learn may be given the opportunity to try, and all who learn shall share the fruits of their knowledge." - Schola Magus Charter Excerpt.

  • 660 - 703 3A
    The Tharrisian Dark Age and the Winter War
    Era beginning/end

    "We may have driven back this invasion, but Tharrisia is a Wo'Ir (Spreading Storm), and I fear that despite being put on the back foot temporarily, it shall only continue to spread and consume. I can only hope the strength of the Torva'Shal continues to hold." - Military Councilor Lienvira

  • 709 – 717 2A
    The Second Virnosian War
    Military action

    "I'm going to march the army all the way to the Grand Magus' palace and impregnate his ass with my fucking boot. Fuck Virnos." - Alsen Lastimora's now infamous speech to the Prime Lords of Atresa at the beginning of the Second War.

  • 717 2A
    The Aurelian Coup
    Political event

    "They're in the palace? How did they get in the palace? What is happening? Has anyone seen Zel? We need to get to the catacombs." - The last words heard from King Yvor Stellings by servants as the coup was underway. He and the rest of the Stellings family would be cornered on their way to the escape route, and murdered.

  • 718 - 733 2A
    Early 8th Century Expansion Period

    "The weak need the strong to subsume and protect them to have any chance in this world." - Negus Mansur Fa-Ajasa

  • 740 – 742 2A
    The Aurelian Civil War
    Military action

    "My family's blood shall be repaid in kind until I once again sit upon the throne that is rightfully mine." - Zelena Stellings

  • 741 – 749 2A
    The Slaughter of Balmoth and The Paladin Purge
    Disaster / Destruction

    "For nearly 8 years my brothers and sisters were hunted by officials and bounty hunters alike. We were criminals in our own homes, for the crime of trying to serve our gods and people. All based on a lie." - Paladin Alain Thoran

  • 750 2A
    Burning of the Ithali Fleet
    Military action

    "They descended from below the clouds, below where our scouts look, in a way that should not have been possible." - A report from an Ithali Sailor

  • 751 2A
    The Sunless Day
    Celestial / Cosmic

    "The first shot in a war that almost no-one knew we were fighting. Almost every scholar and government took the Sunless Day seriously, dedicating whole colleges and groups of mages to studying it. And yet time would show us we did not take it seriously enough." - Gareth Pancem

  • 752 2A
    The Third Virnosian War
    Military action

    "Virnos means to conquer us. I mean to show them we are not so easily conquered." -Primor Tutiro Cam

  • 752 2A
    The Battle of Lyath'Or, The Battle of the Frozen Temple, and the Fall of the Twister of Forms
    Military action

    "This was only the beginning, The Return Comes" - The Twister of Forms

  • 752 2A - 755 2A
    The Virnosian Rebellion

    "Rise my friends, we have nothing to lose but our chains!" - Marian Utsler

  • 753 2A
    The Conference at Olbern
    Gathering / Conference

    "The Sunless Day remains a mystery, one we must solve." - Chancellor Aolis

  • 753 2A
    Death of Horace the Songbird
    Life, Death

    "There is no meme, this is for Nadeem. Die." - Rejjie En Ye'Bab

  • 753 2A
    The Balmoth Uprising

    "Return to your homes, or be sent home in a casket!" - Lord Commander VatVat Blinks

  • 754 2A
    The Floods of 754 2A
    Disaster / Destruction

    "Run to the hills!" - Someone who did not make it to the hills.

  • 755 2A - 756 2A
    Year of the Dragon
    Military action

    "Nay not a soul spoke     Nor anyone could lack hope     When upon that frozen day     The Knights of Starmont Stood     Before the Dragon Tall."   -Song of the Wayfarers (1st Ed)

  • 756 2A - 758 2A
    The Money Flight of Ibrim
    Financial Event

    "If you think I'm gonna let those damn Atresans tax my hard earned coins you have another thing coming!" -An Ibrimese Banker

  • 759 2A
    The Domus Novus Riots

    "Friends! Countrymen! Chill out." - Qaren Norixious

  • 761 2A
    The Second Conference at Olbern
    Gathering / Conference

    "My friend died to buy us time to stop whatever this is, I don't intend for us to waste it." - Tarkus

  • 762 2A
    Embrel Withdraws from Forelenium
    Political event

    "We believe the citizens of Forelenium have the right to self determination without Elven oversight" - Torva'Shal Member Galan Dalari

  • 764 2A - 765 2A
    The Rischer Crisis

    "We shall not be servants to the Atresan merchant dogs any longer!" -Malica Rischer

  • 769 2A - 777 2A
    Flashes in the Forest
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    "Those lights, from the forest...what are they?" - A local farmer near the Torva'Ne

  • 772 2A
    Creation of the Locomotive
    Scientific achievement

    "Loco-motive? What a strange term." - Tutiro Cam

  • 776 2A
    The Three Eclipses and The Shining Night Sky
    Celestial / Cosmic

    "Is this another sunless day? Or is this something else?" - Historian Herod Itus

  • 777 2A
    The Return
    Disaster / Destruction

    "The days to come will be dark, I will not lie. Many will sacrifice their lives in the hours to come. But through that death, through that sacrifice, generations to come will have the chance to born. Our childrens children will know a world saved by our actions here today. The memories of this horror will fade as they grow, and through those sacrifices we make today, one day a generation will grow up in a world free of this suffering. And that my, my brothers and sisters, is worth sacrificing for." - Saint Celadrien

  • 777 2A
    End of the Second Age and the Dawn of the Age of Progress
    Era beginning/end

    “As I stated once, our kind’s, my kind’s, influence on the world could only wane. The Fall of Ithalin and the detachment of Embrel only solidify my assessment. As we leave an era of bickering city-states, we enter one of regrowth, rebirth, and I suspect eventually, advancement. The Age of the Fallen Cities has come to a close, and the Age of Progress begins. - Xune

  • 0 - 5 3A
    The Mourning
    Cultural event

    "It's victory. I'm just not sure how to come terms with the cost of it." - Panikos Cosmalis

  • 5 - 7 3A
    The Shifting
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    "I'm saying that the underlying math has changed. Spells that would've taken me about half a second of consideration and another half a second to calculate now take me triple that time. I feel like I'm backing in f***ing university." - Adsilla

  • 14 2A
    Formation of the Federated Union of Eastern Kalin

    "We the People of Atresa, Ibrim, Virnos, and beyond, in order to form a perfect Union, establish this day a Federated Union of Eastern Kalin to better represent and protect the rights and privileges of all its disparate people." - Constitution of the Union

  • 18 2A
    Joakim Lovdahl Declared Har-Konungr
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    "As this Crown of Metal and Bone dons my head, do I declare my right to rule this frozen north before gods and men." -Joakim

  • 31 3A
    Exile of the Torva'Wea
    Population Migration / Travel

    "What is a Wood Elf without the woods? I suppose we shall find out." -An Atresan Newspaper Editorial from 31 3A

  • 34 3A
    Collapse of the Ager Terrena Idiomaris

    "The Qaren dream of an earthly kingdom of Idiomar was one that only they could bring about. Without them, we are lost wandering in the sea of time. Without a prophet, there is no prophecy." - Last Dux of the Ager Terrena Idiomaris

  • 64 2A
    Destruction of the Last Dark Drow Holdout
    Military action

    "Dark Drow occupied fortress located at around sunset on the 12th. Bombardment began around sunrise of the 13th, followed by Marine landing and purging operation no later than 10 am. Operation completed by noon with a loss of 15 Marines. Bombardment estimated to have killed 200~ Drow, Marines estimated to have killed 60~ more. Fortress deemed unsalvageable. Marines scavenged for useful materials before setting explosives to further reduce fortress and prevent reoccupation. Deemed not worthy of reporting to National Sponsors." -Hopeful Return Report of the Last Dark Drow Holdout, recovered decades after the fact.

  • 98 3A
    Tharrisia Annexes Idiomaris
    Political event

    "This land is now part of the newly founded Province of Idiomaris. Please see your local Auxilia if you have any questions about your new status as Provinciales of Idiomaris." -Commonly posted Tharrisia notice dated to 98 3A.

  • 105 - 124 3A
    Dwarven Exodus and Expansion
    Population Migration / Travel

    "Aye, it's free real estate." -A common Dwarven saying during the exodus

  • 140 3A
    Establishment of the Dwaav-Torva'Dro Abbanshi

    "Our people have been close friends for centuries now. Our coming together only makes sense in an increasingly consolidated and hostile future." - Xune

  • 173 - 182 3A
    The Burning Plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    "If one survives the fever, they should recover. Otherwise..." - A Doctors Quote.

  • 216 3A
    Tarkus Overthrows Qadibras Fa'Ajasa

    "I do this in your great-grandmothers memory, she would be ashamed of you." -Tarkus

  • 250 3A
    Draconfall Joins the Union
    Political event

    "The Dragonborn people would be better served guided and protected by a civilized nation." - Union Senator Andin Jackso

  • 308 3A
    Jarak Joins Aurelia
    Political event

    "Nay, can't say I would've ever thought this could happen growing up in the Greatneck. But here we are, and I won't complain. In fact, free drinks for all cosigners on the Jarak-Aurelia Treaty!" -Bhelmir Strongheart

  • 369 - 372 3A
    First Invasion of the Isle Of Bones
    Military action

    "Dark magic or no, we shall take this island!" - Har-Konungr Erland I

  • 422 3A
    The Second Strakan Expedition

    "May your journey be swift, and your discoveries many. May this be the first step towards a more united world." - Tarkus

  • 444 3A
    The Torva'Wio Emerge
    Population Migration / Travel

    "We are merely exploring on behalf of the forest, we have no intention to harm any who do not harm us." -A Torva'Wio Explorer.

  • 480 3A
    Birth of the Impero
    Political event

    "I shall not abuse the trust nor responsibilities you have entrusted in me, my dear colleagues. I shall lead our people and our Empire to even greater heights, and all shall know our glory and radiance" - First Imperatrice Octavia Ghiacciato IV

  • 480 - 482 3A
    The Tharrisian Civil War
    Military action

    "Our brothers and sisters are mislead, and must be corrected. The liars who plot to bring down our great nation shall be punished for their hubris, and we shall make our home whole once again." -Octavia Ghiacciato IV

  • 501 - 505 3A
    Second Invasion of the Isle Of Bones
    Military action

    "Erland was weak, I am strong, therein lies the difference." -Har-Drottning Ljufa Halldottir

  • 537 3A
    Balmoth Joins Aurelia
    Political event

    "The church has its proper place, but we do not grant it the right to determine our secular matters." - Balmoth Declaration of Intention

  • 616 3A
    Tharrisa Annexes Olbern
    Political event

    "Olbern has become a nest of the rich and powerful, avoiding taxes and contributions to greater Kalin as to protect their power and influence." -Speech justifying the annexation of Olbern.

  • 665 3A
    Signing of the Magical Registry Compact
    Diplomatic action

    "Magic users should be allowed to practice their arts, but not in a way that absolves them of all responsibility while being capable of destroying a town single handedly." - Union Senator Jon Marthy

  • 717 - 729 3A
    Explosion of Paper Currency Adoption
    Financial Event

    "The original cold coin is pretty, but a good Union dollar goes much further!" -Union Dollar Adoption Poster

  • 768-779 3A
    Third Invasion of the Isle Of Bones
    Military action

    "Erland was weak, Ljufa was tricked. I am neither weak, nor shall I be tricked." -Har-Konnungr Thorhall Na-Liga

  • 847 3A
    Final Track of the Kalin-Wide Rail Network Laid
    Technological achievement

    "With this final spike, we unite the continent in a way never thought possible. All the speed and convenience of an airship, at a price and availability anyone can take advantage of." -Union Rail President Makew Zie

  • 911-925 3A
    The Mantle Reformation
    Religious event

    "To be declared a heretic by a church of mortals who purports to speak for the divine is no damnation, it is a blessing! A sign my path is right and true." -Ferer Xander at a Supragens event.

  • 936 3A
    Tysos Enters the Union Sphere of Influence
    Political event

    "We are here to protect you, please do not resist." -Union Admiral

  • 956 3A
    First Recognized Airplane Flight
    Scientific achievement

    "We could potentially go faster and higher than most airships, the potential is limitless if we only try." - Aimen Bilal

  • 969 - 973 3A
    The Idiomaris Rebellion

    "Provinciales, return to your homes in a peaceful manner, you will not be warned again." - Tharrisian Legatus

  • 974 3A
    The Brownwater Massacre
    Disaster / Destruction

    "Tharrisian Forces Discovered 2 Miles West of Brownwater. Local garrison sending riders to investigate. Shots heard. Casualties Expected." -Union Military Telegraph.

  • 975 3A
    The Shelling of Lapsus
    Military action

    "The cooler heads get us nowhere, it is time for a head of gunpowder." -Captain Aubern, allegedly.

  • 978 - 983 3A
    The Unsung War
    Military action

    "We decry the situation in the west, but this administration stands by its desire for peace with our western neighbors, and that we have not, at any time, been in a state of war with Tharrisia." - President Juk Ugrum

  • 984 3A
    The One Day War
    Military action

    "End this now, for your people, and for the continent." -Tarkus

  • 986 3A
    Conference of Hope
    Diplomatic action

    "We must all leave this discussion with a hope for peace, and a drive for cooperation, for the good of the continent." -Captain Kore

  • 989 - 993 3A
    The Continental Depression
    Financial Event

    "We shall be establishing banking holidays, to relieve banks from mass runs, as well as establishing new governmental agencies to help aid suffering workers and investors." -Union Presidential Speech

  • 995 - Ongoing
    The Rusterra Separatist Conflict

    "Come Out Ye Blues and Reds, come out and fight me like a man show your wife how you won medals down in I-brim" -Common Separatist drinking song

  • 997 - 1001 3A
    The Western Pirate War
    Criminal Activity

    "We all suffered during the depression, but piracy is inexcusable" -Legatus Luisa Pugliesi

  • 1001 - 1002 3A
    The Avolen Conventions
    Gathering / Conference

    "Rules? For war? What kind of poppycock is this?" - A skeptical attendee

  • 1003 3A
    The Great Ulb Earthquake
    Geological / environmental event

    "The quake was bad, the sandstorm was worse." - A Strakan Citizen

  • 1003 3A
    The Hopeful Return Vanishes and Returns
    Scientific achievement

    "I swear it was flying above the mountain, and then it was gone! By the time we gathered a party to head to the top of the mountain, it was back!" -A local observer

  • 1004 3A
    Attempted Assassination of Bartek Milatadies
    Political event

    "The King was shot! Someone shot the Old Wizard!" -A witness, moments after the attempt.

  • 1004 3A
    The Ortus Uprising

    "It is my opinion that this "Ortus" is a grave threat to the safety and security of Aeraguard and the Province of Forelenium. However, he is a threat I can handle." -Legate Savio Pentro in a report to Legion High Command, a week before his death

  • 1004 3A - 1005 3A
    The Lavrentis Papatzis Affair
    Diplomatic action

    "There is an infinite irony in the Impero insisting on its sovereignty and rights, while denying the basic right of freedom to a beleaguered individual. They call it aggression and murder, I call it justice." -Union Senator Fred King.

  • 1005 3A - Ongoing
    Air and Sea Arms Race
    Political event

    "The Impero demands an increase in responsiveness of our military. Our people must be safe, whether they be in our far-flung islands, or our frontier provinces. To this end I have authorized increased spending to enhance and secure our military supremacy over our skies and seas." -Cosima Ghiacciato in an Autumn speech in 1005 3A.

  • 1005 3A
    The Turo Disaster
    Disaster / Destruction

    "Mantle, we're going down! We're on fire, we're goi-" -Last moments of the Turo's experimental technomantic flight recorder.

  • 1005 3A
    The Olbern Heist
    Criminal Activity

    "At this time, we are still seeking to fully understand the scope of the crime, as well as the method. While we feel confident there is no further risk to the vaults, a full accounting of stolen goods is yet to be completed." -Schola Custodi Captain Yves Tuscou

  • 1006 3A
    Ibrim Precinct 4 Bombing
    Criminal Activity


  • 1006 3A
    The Domus Novus "Quaking Earth" Incident
    Disaster / Destruction

    "The events in Domus Novus are a tragedy. We are firmly dedicated to sending what aid we can to our eastern provincial neighbor, and hope that all responsible for this tragedy are brought to justice. Shamanism and spirit worship are accepted and embraced by many Impero citizens, but cannot be used as a shield for such a crime. I know in my heart our fellow citizens who worship the spirits will join us in an effort to rebuild." -Forelenium Governor Lalia Volta

    Domus Novus
  • 1006 3A
    Order of Wind and Wood Declared a Terrorist Organization
    Political event

    "We take no pleasure in this decision. The Order of the Wind and Wood has a proud history tracing back to ancient heroes such as Sorra Norixious and Baralas Oakenhollow. Yet the actions of its members in Domus Novus cannot be ignored, and the Order's refusal to accept responsibility and cooperate with authorities leaves us no choice as a continental community." -Grand Vizier Kakdi

  • 1007 3A
    First Dead Waters Incident
    Military: Skirmish

    "Collision reported at 2232. Fire exchanged at 2233. Enemy ship begins to list at 2240. Rescue efforts begin at 2300. Stop." -Emergency sending from Captain Tilanus of the ITS Fortunata

  • 1007 3A
    Second Dead Waters Incident
    Military: Skirmish

    "I engaged the Fortunata after it fired upon us in the dead of night, much as it had the 'Mally' earlier in the year. This time, we won. It's simple as that." -Transcript from trial of FUS Gregarious Captain Frokar Tugban.

  • 1007 3A - 1008 3A
    Dead Waters Blockade
    Political event

    "Any Tharrisian ship that attempts to travel into our waters, whether they be military or civilian, will be fired upon. It is that dreadfully simple." -Admiral Henry Boggs

  • 1008 3A
    Union Rail 293 Derailment
    Disaster / Destruction

    "I... I don't know what happened. One moment I was reading the Ibrim Inquirer. The next, I was flying against my seat and everyone was screaming." -Survivor.

  • 1008 3A
    Hell's Gate Mining Disaster
    Disaster / Destruction

    "Our lads and lassies in the mine deserved betta'. Thank the Ancestors the Dark Guard saved as many as they did." -Miner Pulgin Timbenrock

    Hells Gate
  • 1008 3A
    The Tysos Panic
    Political event

    "Can't say I fully know what happened. People heard that there was a Tharrisian spy ring and began to panic. I don't know that evolved into the street fights and rioting." -Eyewitness of the panic.

  • 1009 3A
    The Dead Waters Standoff
    Political event

    "Two heavily armed great powers are now in the process of pointing very large guns at each other 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. The continent stands on the precipice of war. I can only hope we may resolve this as we have resolved such possible disasters thus far" -Bartek Milatadies

  • 1009 3A
    Current Day
    Life, Career