Second Invasion of the Isle Of Bones

Military action

501 - 505 3A

"Erland was weak, I am strong, therein lies the difference." -Har-Drottning Ljufa Halldottir

Over a century after the first real attempt to take the Isle of Bones ended in failure, the Har-Drottning of Nordanvald decided to once again take the last vestige of the Gir'An in the name of Nordanvald.   Har-Drottning Ljufa Halldottir prepared much more than Erland I did, taking several years to prepare an invasion force, gather a group of mages and gifted priests to off put the dark magic, and more.   Her invasion began in 501 3A, with a mass landing of Nordanvald soldiers on the shores of the Isle of Bones.   The invasion went much better than Erland I's. A beachhead was established after a large battle with Gir'An warriors on the frozen shores of the Isle. The beachhead turned into a small naval port named Setja where supplies and troops were dropped off from the main land.   Despite Ljufa's initial success, she soon found difficulty in securing the island. Despite coming with a cadre of Mages and Priests, the ongoing skirmishes and battles with the seemingly endless Gir'An and their dark servants waned down the group of magic users that protected the army from the inherrent dark magic of the land. Despite the ongoing difficulty, Ljufa continued to push forward and secure the island, mile by mile.   The campaign came to an end when, in a way continuously described as dishonorable to this day, a group of Gir'An approached Ljufa, supposedly to surrender their parts of the island, only to set off a set of stolen explosives under their armor and clothing that killed Ljufa and her guards nearly instantly. With Ljufa dead, the interest and drive of the campaign died with her, and over 2 seasons the army began to withdraw from the island.   The second invasion is widely agreed to have been far more successful than the first, and many postulate that had the Gir'An not pulled such a "dirty trick" to remove Ljufa from the equation, she may have secured the island with time. Though some Non-Nordanvald scholars suggest that with her waning magical assistance, her campaign was doomed to fail eventually.

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