Destruction of the Last Dark Drow Holdout

Military action

64 2A

"Dark Drow occupied fortress located at around sunset on the 12th. Bombardment began around sunrise of the 13th, followed by Marine landing and purging operation no later than 10 am. Operation completed by noon with a loss of 15 Marines. Bombardment estimated to have killed 200~ Drow, Marines estimated to have killed 60~ more. Fortress deemed unsalvageable. Marines scavenged for useful materials before setting explosives to further reduce fortress and prevent reoccupation. Deemed not worthy of reporting to National Sponsors." -Hopeful Return Report of the Last Dark Drow Holdout, recovered decades after the fact.

While it wasn't known for several more years after the fact, massive airship and former home of the Blessed Dead, the Hopeful Return, found and quickly destroyed the final notable holdout of the Dark Drow above ground that had held on since The Return. Roughly 300 Dark Drow were bombarded by the large airship and then mopped up by Marines while the air dreadnought was flying to the Fallen City of Tharrisia.

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