End of the Second Age and the Dawn of the Age of Progress

Era beginning/end

777 2A

“As I stated once, our kind’s, my kind’s, influence on the world could only wane. The Fall of Ithalin and the detachment of Embrel only solidify my assessment. As we leave an era of bickering city-states, we enter one of regrowth, rebirth, and I suspect eventually, advancement. The Age of the Fallen Cities has come to a close, and the Age of Progress begins. - Xune

Following the Fall of the Return, Queen Xune gave a speech to her people and Dwarven refugees. In it she stated: “As I stated once, our kind’s, my kind’s, influence on the world could only wane. The Fall of Ithalin and the detachment of Embrel only solidify my assessment. As we leave an era of bickering city-states, we enter one of regrowth, rebirth, and I suspect eventually, advancement. The Age of the Fallen Cities has come to a close, and the Age of Progress begins.”   With these words, the Drow Queen's ability to somehow determine the beginning and ending of ages continued unabated, as most historians and contemporary scholars have concurred with her assessment, and the Third Age of Kalin is generally agreed to have begun with the final Apotheosis/disappearance of the Blessed Dead.

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