The Balmoth Uprising


753 2A

"Return to your homes, or be sent home in a casket!" - Lord Commander VatVat Blinks

With Balmoth teetering on the edge of political collapse since the death of its royal family and its role in the Paladin Purge, outbreak of rebellion seemed almost inevitable.   After an absolute failure of the local guard to keep order during the Sunless Day even more discontent brewed. It finally boiled over in the summer of 753 when a large mob formed in the city and besieged the palace, planning on dragging the "Citizens Council" out of the palace and murdering them.   A large contingent of the guard was out at the time (as was planned by the rebels) to fight of a raid of The Gir'An in the farming regions. What guards were in the city were hard-pressed to control the mob and eventually settled in for a siege.   After a few days of sustained siege the guard and the Council found relief from the Church of the Mantle of all places, specifically The Mantle Militant.   The High Priest of the Church marched down to the Palace with a large contingent of Militant Knights. Using a combination of religious fervor and military threat the High Priest managed to convince the crowd to disperse and relieved the siege until the Balmoth guard contingent returned.   This would only prove to be a temporary respite as during the Year of the Dragon violence would again boil over, and the city would become the exclusive domain of the Church of the Mantle.

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