Birth of the Impero

Political event

480 3A

"I shall not abuse the trust nor responsibilities you have entrusted in me, my dear colleagues. I shall lead our people and our Empire to even greater heights, and all shall know our glory and radiance" - First Imperatrice Octavia Ghiacciato IV

For countless generations Tharrisia had acted as an oligarchical Republic. That began to change at the end of the Second Age and into the Third. More and more power began to shift and change to specific families of Senators that handed their power and influence to their children.   This came to a head in 480, when respected Senator Octavia Ghiacciato the Fourth (coming from the famed Ghiacciato clan that could trace its lineage to many war heroes, notable senators, and even a heroic and divinely powered Wayfarer) was imbued with surprisingly broad and all-encompassing powers over the Senatus after years of political maneuvering, effectively making her sole wielder of power in the Empire. Though she would not officially be recognized as an Imperatrice until after her death, when the title became more accepted.   Her political masterstroke was a shock to both Tharrisia and the continent, and almost immediately kicked off the Tharrisian Civil War.

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