The Great War and the Death of Sullia

Military action

1634 1A - 1657 1A

"If I cannot stand for my Empire in its darkest days then I am no Empress. If it means my death so be it, but I shall stand." - Sullia, a few days before her death.

The most catastrophic and destructive war in Kalin's history, the Great War actually started out as a minor inconvenience. At first, odd energy rifts made of arcane energy appeared throughout the land, and while they may cause havoc to small communities and towns they were no true threat. They became a true threat when Necromancers began to use them to fuel the creation of massive undead armies that swept across the Torva'Ir and caused havoc and destruction. Before the Empire could even truly fight back the undead were followed by the arcane rifts turning blood red and massive yawning portals opening and pouring forth demons and destructive creatures.   For a long time, the origins of the arcane rifts and the demon portals were considered connected phenomenon, but later scholarship and research following The Return has shown that the original arcane rifts were mostly likely an early attempt to kickstart the Return, and the massive amount of undead supports this fact. Scholars debate how the demons got involved, but research and communication with other continents has shown that the demon invasion was a local phenomenon. Possible reasons for the demon invasion have ranged from the demons of other worlds sensing a worthy foe to fight and the mortals just not understanding that they were effectively dealing with two crises at once, to Sullia purposefully calling the demons to get rid of the undead. No firm answer has been accepted by the majority of scholars.   What followed was a never-ending war with all parts of the land pressed and besieged. While mortals and immortals alike won minor victories across Kalin, including the battle against Lord Karxis and the Lich Lord Ulgaron, the foundation of The Old Paladin Order, and the Dragons joining the war, it was ultimately a futile effort.   Unbeknownst to most above ground at the time, the Dwarves were suffering an invasion below the mountains as well. Undead and demons filled Dwarven halls, and a portion of the Dwarven population was corrupted into what would become the Duregar. While the Dwarves would weather this storm and the Duregar would become free and independent after the war's end, it set the stage for truly hostile relations between the Dwarven holds and the Torva'Ir as when the Elves called for aid in the war they only received silence in return. While we know now that this is because the Dwarves were hard pressed and fighting for their lives, at the time it was seen as the ultimate betrayal and cowardice on the Dwarves part.   The darkest moment for the Empire was when, in a days long battle with a massive demon-lord of incredible power and destruction, Sullia, the Eternal Queen herself, was struck down in battle.   The loss of Sullia spread despair and widespread panic across the Empire, and it was an emotional wound some Elves feel to this day.   Momentum was regained when a notable Elven Lord named Abberon the Mage seized control of a large part of the Empire and marshaled many leadership-starved armies and forces to him. He pushed the army towards the Kulki Plains where the now famous Battle of Kulki plains took place, with a massive demon and undead host battled the massive mortal force outside one of the largest demon portals.   While the Battle of Kulki Plains took place Abberon took some of the best and brightest Elves and Mortals of the day and mounted them on their Dragon allies. This massive winged force flew through the portal and unleashed spells and destruction unlike anything anyone has ever seen, or would ever see until The Fall of the Torva some 400 years later. Reports differ to what exactly happened in the portal, with many of the (very few) survivors claiming their spells and magic destroyed the hell dimension from which the demons came completely, while others insist that Mantle themselves showed up to help end the war.   Whatever the truth of the matter, when Abberon and the whole four surviving Dragons and their riders emerged a massive energy pulse closed most of the demon portals around the world and utterly destroyed most undead and demons in Kalin. The Great War ended after 23 years of nonstop destruction and death, and the Torva'Ir officially welcomed it's new ruler in Abberon...

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