Final Track of the Kalin-Wide Rail Network Laid

Technological achievement

847 3A

"With this final spike, we unite the continent in a way never thought possible. All the speed and convenience of an airship, at a price and availability anyone can take advantage of." -Union Rail President Makew Zie

An invention of the Second Age, the locomotive was a largely ignored invention during that age, and its inventor went unsung and unappreciated beyond his death during The Return.   Several centuries into the Third Age though, with the need to rebuild the ravaged infrastructure of the continent, the locomotive and its plans were rediscovered and reevaluated; soon, many nations began to lay down railroad track and the first locomotives were put in use.   847 3A is the date that the final spike and track was laid for the over-arching effort by the Union Rail company to unite parts of the various railroads around the continent into one comprehensive system that could traverse the continent both for passengers and cargo.   Since 847 anyone with a modest amount of money can travel nearly anywhere in Kalin via the rail network. This isn't even including national railroads that serve a specific nation, such as the Strakan Rail, nor the much faster and advanced Elemental Rails, which are powered by technomancy but are usually regulated to the core territories of the various nations that use them.

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