The Avolen Conventions

Gathering / Conference

1001 - 1002 3A

"Rules? For war? What kind of poppycock is this?" - A skeptical attendee

Following the events of the One-Day War and the Western Pirate War, as well as the ongoing conflict in Rusterra, several nations began to attempt and "civilize" warfare going into the second millennium of the third age.   This resulted in a large year-long off-and-on conference in the Kingdom of Aurelia capital of Avolen. These conferences involved the hashing out of what was considered "illegal" in war and could be considered a "War Crime" with the idea being that nations would enforce War Crime violations internally, and other nations would hold them to account when they didn't.   Most of the rules centered around minimizing civilian deaths, not harming those on the battlefield whose only job was to help the injured and dying (medics and clerics), and so on. Whether the rules would be followed was another thing entirely.

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