The Tharrisian Dark Age and the Winter War

Era beginning/end

660 - 703 3A

"We may have driven back this invasion, but Tharrisia is a Wo'Ir (Spreading Storm), and I fear that despite being put on the back foot temporarily, it shall only continue to spread and consume. I can only hope the strength of the Torva'Shal continues to hold." - Military Councilor Lienvira

Tharrisia, ever the expansionist Empire, decided that it needed to add another Fallen City to its burgeoning borders. So they declared war on the High Elves of Embrel, thinking that the time of the Elves had passed, and they would be easy pickings like Singlar.   What they found instead was a united and prepared Embrel who fought back with surprising strength and organization. High Elf troop discipline was far beyond that of even the Tharrisian Legions and High Elf Mages and Wizards were capable of shattering entire formations of Tharrisian Legionnaires while Tharrisian war-mages were practically using parlor tricks in comparison.   In the end Tharrisia was handed the first major setback to its Imperialistic dreams and was forced to sign a peace treaty, including giving up some strategically useful territory the Elves would use to dissuade future attempts of aggression.   The defeat by Embrel was humbling to the Tharrisians. Already suffering after its quick rise to power Tharrisia fell into a dark age after their loss to Embrel. With provinces constantly rebelling and diseases ravaging their lands Tharrisia had trouble maintaining control over its territories. At one point in the 680s the Imperial capital was moved to Singlar as Tharrisia itself was in a state of full rebellion with rebels burning the Senatus building.   With Tharrisia on the edge of collapse a little-known general by the name of Consruth took command of what few loyal Tharrisian legions he had at his command and attempted to do the impossible in 703 3A.   Using shrewd knowledge of the elements and with the help of a few Shamans from the Norse, Consruth managed to put an end to the rebellions and uprisings throughout Tharrisia by marching during the Winter of 703 3A, instead of waiting for winter to pass as was the normal military practice at the time. His efforts reunited the Empire.   This victory would cost him his life though, as a group of suicidal rebel assassins killed the general in broad daylight as revenge, before being killed himself. He has been immortalized as the first Imperial Grand Champion and First Among Equals. Both titles would become imperative to the rise of the Emperors and Empresses a few centuries later.   The end of the Winter War in 703 3A is the year that historians generally agree the Tharrisian dark age ended.   Also during this Tharrisian dominated time period, the Fallen City of Straka faced its own issues in 673 3A. Straka angered the Kingdom of Ulbio in a trade dispute, a Kingdom known for its excellence in building air ships.   A short war followed with a massive amount of air ships attacking Straka. Straka however proved that having air superiority did not necessarily mean you won the war and managed to turn back the assault.   Within months the Strakan army had conquered Ulbio and taken its famed shipyards for itself. To this day Straka is known for its airships, while Ulbio is a historical footnote.

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