The Shifting

Metaphysical / Paranormal event

5 - 7 3A

"I'm saying that the underlying math has changed. Spells that would've taken me about half a second of consideration and another half a second to calculate now take me triple that time. I feel like I'm backing in f***ing university." - Adsilla

Following The Return, the underlying magic of the world seemed to shift and change. While still present and potent, the weave and flow of magical energies became denser and more complex. Mages and Wizards once capable of casting high level spells suddenly found such spells far more exhausting and hard to cast. Less skilled or amateur mages found themselves barely capable simple spells.   Magical knowhow and training has grown more difficult and exclusive in the time since, as even more dedication and training is needed to get to proficiency.   The changes in magic did not really have an effect on Technomancy and its related arts, leading to technomancy becoming even more common a practice learned.   The magic changes also changed the lives of Elves. The already long-lived race found that it enjoyed even longer life spans (though this would not be realized for some centuries), this seems to have come at a cost though, as Elven fertility, already low, plummeted further. An Elven couple managing to have a child is a cause of celebration. An Elven couple managing to have twins or a second child is a miracle. The connection or reason for these changes is unknown.

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