The Fall of the Torva and the End of the First Age.

Era beginning/end

2078 1A - 2095 1A

“We are witnessing the changing of an era. The splendor and dignity of Elven kind gives way to that of the mortal races, and the Age of Immortals comes to its inevitable conclusion. While we are by no means gone, our influence on our world can only wane. Our once proud Immortal Cities have fallen, and so has our race. The Age of Immortals has ended, so begins the Age of the Fallen Cities." -Xune

With the War of the Torva officially over with the destruction of Caledbar and the decimation of the armies involved, the period that followed was a surprisingly swift and violent fall from grace for the Torva.   Fallen Cities soon rebelled against their own masters, ripping down statues and removing ruling Elves from power, often times violently. Even those cities that managed to hold onto Torvish Hegemony were soon attacked from without as armies of mortals marched on them and, usually with the help of those inside the walls, were overthrown. Many a Fallen City were smashed to dust in this period, and many "true" Elves died in the wave of rage and pent up repression.   Some Elves managed to flee into the sea where they formed the island nation of Ithalin which persisted as a population of "True Elves" until the Fall of Ithalin.   This period marked the end of the Age of Immortals, a turn noted by historians due to the speech given by Xune, Queen of the Drow and one of the few surviving Elven-centric Fallen Cities:   “We are witnessing the changing of an era. The splendor and dignity of Elven kind gives way to that of the mortal races, and the Age of Immortals comes to its inevitable conclusion. While we are by no means gone, our influence on our world can only wane. Our once proud Immortal Cities have fallen, and so has our race. The Age of Immortals has ended, so begins the Age of the Fallen Cities."

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