The Aurelian Civil War

Military action

740 – 742 2A

"My family's blood shall be repaid in kind until I once again sit upon the throne that is rightfully mine." - Zelena Stellings

While the Stellings family had been thought extinct since the Aurelian coup decades earlier, in reality the young Zelena had managed to escape under not fully understood circumstances. She then traveled Southern Kalin for a time, and is rumored to have been raised and trained by Alain Thoran and some of his colleagues.   In 740 2A Zelena returned to Aurelia, and gave those dissatisfied with Vitri rule a rallying banner to fall behind.   She would find an ally in Evoda Vitri, a Lady that had been married into the Vitri family some years earlier. They would then kill Evoda's husband, Litor Vitri II, and make Starmont their base of operations and officially begin the war.   The war would rage for about 2 years, with gains back and forth on both sides, and King Litor Vitri I nearly getting Tharrisia involved. The Battle of Juvri Plain, the Duel at Woclarn Market Square, and the Assault on Avolen were all prominent events of the war that have lasted in legend to this day, with the Assault on Avolen being the final end to the war.   In the aftermath the country was ravaged, but united behind their new Queen. Queen Zelena Stellings would become known as a political reformer and is generally considered one of the greatest Monarchs in the nations history.

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