The Return

Disaster / Destruction

777 2A

"The days to come will be dark, I will not lie. Many will sacrifice their lives in the hours to come. But through that death, through that sacrifice, generations to come will have the chance to born. Our childrens children will know a world saved by our actions here today. The memories of this horror will fade as they grow, and through those sacrifices we make today, one day a generation will grow up in a world free of this suffering. And that my, my brothers and sisters, is worth sacrificing for." - Saint Celadrien

The Return was the world-wide near apocalypse that saw every single living person fighting for their survival. The undead rose from their shallow graves by the millions, wiping out nations. Dark Drow and their aberrant servants flooded from below ground and pillaged as they strode across the continent. The sun went out, seemingly for good at the time, for nearly a full month. Those who lived through it were forever changed.   The Return was ultimately defeated by The Blessed Dead, heroes of the Age who managed to battle back the darkness. Their deeds are legend, especially in Kalin, and many of them underwent apotheosis after defeating the Return. Legends tell of the "Fall of the Return" in nearly every corner of the world, a massive battle of tens of thousands of souls aiding the Blessed Dead in their victory.   The stories of the Return tend to focus on Kalin, as it is where the war was fought and won by the Blessed Dead. But other continents suffered just as much as Kalin. This was a world spanning event and no one was spared its horrors.   In the aftermath of the Blessed Dead's victory, the world was forever changed. In Kalin alone, an estimated 1/3rd to nearly 1/2 of the population was killed or missing, with similar numbers reflected around the world.   The Return would shape the world for centuries to come.

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