Creation of the Locomotive

Scientific achievement

772 2A

"Loco-motive? What a strange term." - Tutiro Cam

With the increasing size of Atresa and its holdings, a young inventor named Robert Sonsteph introduced a new invention of his, the locomotive. A large machine/vehicle capable of carrying passengers and freight across vast distances quickly as long as they had specialized metal track laid down for them.   The idea was presented to Tutiro Cam as a potential government investment, but was largely ignored. Cam, reportedly, found the idea silly with the existence of airships and teleportation magic.   Sonsteph continued to push his invention, but died during the Return with no success.   In the centuries after during the Third Age however, his notes were rediscovered and a need to replace teleportation in a modernizing world would see Sonsteph's creation be adopted by nearly every civilized nation in Kalin.

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