Early 8th Century Expansion Period


718 - 733 2A

"The weak need the strong to subsume and protect them to have any chance in this world." - Negus Mansur Fa-Ajasa

The early to mid 700s are often seen as a period of rapid expansion and minor bloodshed continent wide. Many of the Fallen Cities, now fully realizing that even the weakest among them had the power to completely overwhelm more average kingdoms and nations, underwent periods of fast and quick annexation and expansion. Sometimes this expansion was peaceful, with Fallen Cities offering smaller city states and nations protection in exchange for joining them, and sometimes the expansion was bloody. The period has also been called the "Kingdoms Burn" period, especially by noted Second Age scholar Alain Thoran.   The period was actually kicked off by the so called Strakan expedition, the first major attempt to cross the continent divide and invade Efaanu for territory and glory. Though they were quickly turned back by the Mernite Sovereignty. The Strakan expeditionary force was eventually forced to retreat. Though other expansion efforts by Straka and other cities would be far more successful.   The period is usually marked by the Tharrisian institution of slavery in 733 2A, a practice that earned it no small amount of ire from other nations at the time (and to this day).

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