The Second Conference at Olbern

Gathering / Conference

761 2A

"My friend died to buy us time to stop whatever this is, I don't intend for us to waste it." - Tarkus

With the post Year of the Dragon situation settling, Tarkus used his connections across the continent to call a Conference of Academics, Leaders, and more to discuss what would become known as The Return the apocalyptic event somewhere in the worlds future. Many notable people of the century showed up to speak on the issue, including fellow Wayfarer's such as Bhelmir Strongheart, Bequin Rom, and Jayllin Tano as well as many others such as Gareth Pancem, Rent Milatadies, Norixius Sorra Day Dreamer, Adsilla, and more.   The conference went on for nearly a month, but ultimately no final consensus was reached. Proving that such an event existed came mostly down to hearsay and stories, with little physical evidence. What evidence was presented was brushed off by many as simply "dark magic" and not proof of an impending apocalypse.   Despite the failure to establish continent wide unity on the issue, it did raise the awareness of the possible event to many who hadn't heard of it before, and some nations (such as Straka and Atresa ) seemed to be actively looking into possible solutions for such an event.   Historical retrospective has shown that while the conference wasn't worthless, as some nations took it seriously, it failed to meaningfully prepare the world or even just Kalin for The Return in a few decades time.

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