The Three Eclipses and The Shining Night Sky

Celestial / Cosmic

776 2A

"Is this another sunless day? Or is this something else?" - Historian Herod Itus

One seemingly random series of days in the middle of summer in 776 2A, Kalin experienced three 2 hour long eclipses at noon, 3 days in a row.   Further, it was noticed by many that the night sky seemed to have faint glowing rainbow colored lines across it since the eclipses. They were faint and hard to see without proper equipment or magic, but their existence only fueled further speculation as to their meaning and cosmological significance.   Historians now agree that this was essentially the beginning of The Return. The eclipses are unclear on their meaning, but the rainbow colors in the night sky have come to be understood as the final pieces of the Aithero Monopati falling apart.   These events would lead to the Final Conference at the Schola Magus, which itself would see the often understood beginning of The Return...

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