The Virnosian Rebellion


752 2A - 755 2A

"Rise my friends, we have nothing to lose but our chains!" - Marian Utsler

Following the Sunless Day Virnos did not suffer as much as some cities minus one large fire in the Technomancy Quarter. The reaction in Virnos was delayed. Following extreme military crackdown on any rioting the Poor Quarter of the city erupted into rebellion.   The local guard armory was raided and barricades were raised in various parts of the city. While the military was able to eliminate or scatter the largest pockets of revolution the rebellion was still ongoing, only further flamed by Virnos's loss in the so called Third Virnosian War. The rebels hit random guard patrols, rob banks, and blew up official Virnosian buildings. T   he rebellion continued to build momentum over three years, until the city was in a state of near open war. The rebellion split into factions and eventually culminated during 755's Technomancy Day, a local holiday.   The last Grand Magus of Virnos was to give a speech, and the united rebel groups used the day to strike. At the end of the day with most of the city burning, Atresa was able to march it's army straight to the Grand Magus's palace and annex Virnos wholesale with barely any shots fired on their end. The Virnosian rebellion ended not with glorious liberation, but annexation.

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