The Domus Novus Riots


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"Friends! Countrymen! Chill out." - Qaren Norixious

Several years after the founding of the Ager Terrena Idiomaris, protest against the new rule of Norixius Karen Impulsive over the former citizens of Forelenium came to a head with a mass protest of over 5,000 citizens in the street.   The protest almost turned violent until Qaren himself emerged to address the protestors. He gave an impassioned speech about the joining of disparate people for a new vision, ending with one of his famed pyrotechnics displays. The protest more or less died out after that, with only a few dozen protestors remaining before they were arrested later in the night for disrupting the peace.   The event is largely seen as the largest claim of legitimacy Qaren could've asked for, as his ability to turn a would-be riot into a dispersed nothing-matter was seen as masterful and a sign of strong leadership.

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