Balmoth Joins Aurelia

Political event

537 3A

"The church has its proper place, but we do not grant it the right to determine our secular matters." - Balmoth Declaration of Intention

Balmoth as a city had been home of the Church of the Mantle for countless centuries, and towards the end of the Second Age came to even be ruled directly by the Church in the aftermath of its government collapsing.   After several centuries of rule by the Church, the citizens of Balmoth began to chafe under the religious rules of the church that permeated the small nation. After organization and repeated protests, one of which turned violent, the citizens of Balmoth petitioned to join the Kingdom of Aurelia.   After months of negotiation with the Church, an agreement was reached where Balmoth as a city and nation would join the neighboring kingdom, but a 2 mile portion of the large mountain city would remain completely independent and ruled by the Church of the Mantle, focusing on the area around Basilica Maxima, creating a small religious nation inside another. Finally, in 537, Balmoth officially joined Aurelia in a hand off ceremony with the church.

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