Third Invasion of the Isle Of Bones

Military action

768-779 3A

"Erland was weak, Ljufa was tricked. I am neither weak, nor shall I be tricked." -Har-Konnungr Thorhall Na-Liga

With two failed invasions being a stain on the national pride, Har-Konnungr Thorhall Na-Liga decided in mid 700's to once again invade the Isle of Bones.   Taking queues from past failures, Thorhall prepared a large cadre of mages, priests, clerics, and much to the shock of some of the Nordanvald nobility, Technomancers from the Ordicus Technomantis. He also prepared a large force of Nordanvald soldiers, on top of a large group of mercenary companies as support (which was a political scandal in the nation, causing to Thorhall having to partake in no less than five duels to the death to avoid being called weak).   The invasion began with the retaking of the now-in-ruins Setja. From there, the invasion began to work outwards once again.   The preparation of extra magic users and technomancers turned out to be a critical helping point in the invasion. While mages and clerics allowed protection to groups of soldiers and quicker reaction to dark magic and dark beasts, the technomancers allowed the construction of devices and machines that protected forts, settlements, and other important points that allowed the magic users to rest without having to be constantly on defense.   The Third invasion came the closest to victory of any invasion thus far. Over a decade Thorhall managed to establish a series of forts and other settlements than spanned nearly half the island, with nearly a full fourth of the island being deemed safe for future settlement. The end of the Third Invasion came when nearing a large mountain near the center of the island, Thorhall and his vanguard came across something dark buried inside the mountain. The exact nature of what he found is unknown to this day. What is known is that Thorhall fell in battle against something dark and strong, with only 3 of his vanguard escaping to tell the tale at his explicit order to tell the rest of the invasion force what they had found. The 3 escapees were half crazed and incomprehensible, only speaking of the fact that "They were coming."   A fortnight after Thorhall fell in battle, a massive cloud of darkness emerged from the mountain and swept across the isle, and with it came a flood of Gir'An, their servants, aided by an army of undead and monsters. The invasion force, despite being well established, was pushed back once again, abandoning forts and settlements along the way and losing thousands of souls in the process.   Once again Nordanvald retreated from the Isle of Bones in shame.

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