The Rischer Crisis


764 2A - 765 2A

"We shall not be servants to the Atresan merchant dogs any longer!" -Malica Rischer

Since its annexation, Virnos had a long road to recovery. Following the annexation power was given over to the Citizen's Representative Council of Virnos, a psuedo-government ruled by locals but overseen by Atresa more or less directly. The powers and abilities of the Council were unclear, and arguments between the various political factions in the city were constant.   This came to a head in 764 when Malica Rischer, one of the former leaders during The Virnosian Rebellion, openly defied the council and began rallying political and physical support for a new government. She was ordered to be arrested by the Atresan government for fomenting rebellion and fled into the Virnosian countryside.   A cat and mouse chase was underway briefly for the rebel leader until she began to march on Virnos itself with a rebel army comprised of previously in-hiding ex-Technomancers and loyalists, as well as more radical Virnosian nationalists (there was also speculation she was supported with aid by the original Order of Technomancy).   The crisis became a nearly full-blown civil war when Gareth Pancem led a military force out of the city to confront Malica, with the New Technomancers in tow under Vonrig Blastkeg.   What ensued was a several month series of skirmish battles, culminating in the Battle of Gurtsbur. At Gurtsbur Malica's force was out-maneuvered by Gareth's forces and the New Technomancer's, who had not been overly used in the conflict, showed their prowess in battle, handily out-technomancing their former brethren in the old order with more advanced constructions and tools.   Rischer was captured while fleeing the battle and imprisoned, with a life sentence. With her imprisonment and public humiliation support for her vanished nearly overnight (though many assume this was out of preservation rather than true loss of faith).   In the aftermath a more official shape was given to Virnos governance. Specifically in the form of the "Bill of Governance," a written document outlining the powers of the Virnosian government and what it was and wasn't independent from Atresa for. Virnos also established a Senate with a body of 90 Senators modeled after Tharrisia's Senatus, though its members were elected. They chose Gareth Pancem as their first Prime Minister, a position he held 6 times since his first election.

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