Chaos in the Torva'Ne, Wrath of the Elementals, and the Legend of the Undead Dragon

Disaster / Destruction

389 - 444 2A

"What, exactly, is so great about the knife ears forest to be worth marching an army into it? I don't get it." -Atresan Merchant Tulvan Cam

The late 300s all the way to the late 400s was dominated by what could be called "odd happenings." The Torva'Ne faced a seemingly random invasion by mercenaries and goblins in 389 2A that was swiftly turned back, though in 462 2A those same soldiers would rise from the dead as ghosts and haunt the Torva'Ne for centuries to come.   There was also the still to this day unexplained raising of the long dead White Dragon Orantilkathari near Ibrim, which caused a massive undead army led by the undead and mindless dragon to besiege Ibrim. The siege was eventually broken by unrecorded heroes and the Ibrimese army.   The biggest event though was the 12 year span from 432 to 444 2A where angry elementals kept spawning near cities and towns and indiscriminately attacking anything with a pulse. It never got to apocolyptic levels, but it was a widespread crisis. The crisis ended with no clear cause in 444 2A, leaving as fast as it had begun.

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