The Mourning

Cultural event

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"It's victory. I'm just not sure how to come terms with the cost of it." - Panikos Cosmalis

Following the events of The Return, the whole world, especially Kalin, was devastated. While relief and cheer was present after the darkness was driven back, it was tempered with the fact that possibly up to half of the continent was dead or missing, and much of its land had been corrupted.   The 5 year period following the Return became known as "The Mourning," where both on personal and national levels people tried to come to terms with the widespread devastation and loss. The period was marked by a surprising amount of cooperation between the various nations of Kalin, as well as a tremendous amount of rebuilding as old rivalries and politics were put aside, for a time, to handle the large amount of rebuilding and healing that needed to be done.   While The Mourning is historically recognized as a period of rebuilding after The Return, the rebuilding efforts would take decades and centuries to truly see completion.

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History of Kalin