The Unexpected Calm, the Introduction of Technomancy, and the End of Peace

Discovery, Scientific

0 - 354 2A

"Explosions are merely forceful discoveries" -Mundoli Musoon

Despite the fires and rage of the past generations the Second Age began with something no one truly expected: peace.   With years of war and turmoil all too familiar many Fallen Cities and the kingdoms around them adopted a policy of isolationism or “live and let live”. While minor skirmishes and border scrapes were not unheard of this was a time of remarkable tranquility.   Many of the Younger Races lived and died in an era where there was no war, and no widespread oppression.   This is not to say life was easy however, food was scarcer and order less common. But farmers tended their fields and scholars plied their craft without worry of an army arriving at any minute, and the largest worry was local bandits, not insane Elven Kings.   Most historians now agree that this era of time is probably more akin to what "The Chaos" or "Pre-Empire" period was actually like, seeing as not many Elven scholars could embellish the chaos of this period due to being so out of favor or dead.   It was also during this time in the late 3rd century that a talented Magi and inventor Mundoli Musoon spent his time wandering Kalin and the Fallen Cities learning as much as he could. During the unexpected peace he began to make breakthroughs, and inadvertently invented the practice of Technomancy, or the combination of technology and magic to further advance both practices. While steam and gunpowder had been used up to this point to some effect it wasn’t until Mundoli started publishing his experiments and showing them to the lords and ladies of Kalin that people began to see the true potential of technology, especially melded with magic. Many technologies we think of as common today such as airships, the railroads and elemental rails, and gunpowder came from ideas that Mundoli had cultivated.   The peaceful period is generally agreed to end around 351 to 354 2A when strange foreign ships from Wahar arrived and began an invasion of the continent. The invasion was turned back at Embrel by the High Elven army, and is generally pointed to the point when the Second Age began in earnest.

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