The Rise of Tharrisia and Fall of Singlar

Military action

574 – 593 2A

"We Came. We Saw. We Conquered." - Legatus Julian Sala

The late 500's saw the rise of the once unassuming quasi-republic Fallen City of Tharrisia grow and rise in power.   Tharrisia transformed their army into the Tharrisian Legions we know today during this period. Known for their discipline and handle of tactics the Tharrisian’s used their advantage to expand at an alarming rate, conquering most of the smaller nations on the Tharrisian peninsula during this time.   During its rapid expansion Tharrisia came into conflict with its neighboring Fallen City, Singlar. The multiple battles between the two were painfully one sided in Tharrisia’s favor, so the Tharrisian Senate called for the unthinkable, they ordered Singlar itself be sieged.   The Tharrisian legions spent two full years besieging the city, but against all expectations managed to breach the inner walls and take the city. Such a thing was thought impossible in the post Torva'Ir world, but Tharrisia proved the world wrong and set the standard for Fallen City conquest, a practice that would only grow in the centuries to come.   Singlar would become an integral part of the Tharrisian Empire in the centuries to come, also proving that conquest of other nations and Fallen Cities didn't need to be one of widespread destruction and chaos, and could be one of integration.

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