The First Virnosian War

Military action

647 – 652 2A

"Summon the Guilds. If Virnos wants a war, they shall find that our will and piles of gold will equal their thirst for conquest." - Primor Uval Jivalan

The Fallen City of Virnos, upon seeing the success of Tharrisia in conquering its neighbors, sought to replicate the feat by conquering first Atresa to its north, and then later Ibrim.   Declaring war on their long-time rival Fallen City of Atresa, which was seen as weak city of Merchants and Guilds, Virnos attempted to enact their ambitions.   Unlike the war between Tharrisia and Singlar however, Virnos found itself an equal in Atresa. Despite their mercantile roots Atresa’s army was more than capable of holding back the armies of Virnos, even against the famed Virnosian Rangers. This was in no small part due to the deep gold reserves of the Atresan government that allowed them to hire both mercenaries and their own guilds to march to war.   After a five year war of attrition Virnos was forced to come to the table and create a truce. This truce would not last forever but was a humbling moment for Virnos.

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