First Invasion of the Isle Of Bones

Military action

369 - 372 3A

"Dark magic or no, we shall take this island!" - Har-Konungr Erland I

While Joakim had united Nordanvald in the first century 3A, he had never extended his reach to the Isle of Bones during his lifetime, where the majority of Gir-An remnants fled to.   Several centuries later, Har-Konungr Erland I wanted to flex his might by conquering the island. He gathered a mighty host and sailed to the island to wipe out the last of the Gir-An and grow Nordanvald's territory.   Erland I never returned. What few survivors came back several years later reported that the island was so awash with dark magic that it was steeped in permanent night, with shadows that constantly attacked any living thing not protected and inflicted mass casualties before the Gir-An even appeared to battle. The expedition was an absolute failure, and Erland I is often seen to be the first failure as Har-Konungr.   The invasion is also notable as the first major military action on the continent since the Return.

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