Emergence of the Dark Drow and Dwarves, and the Plague of Virnos

Plague / Epidemic

355 - 387 2A

"The signs include bleeding from the eyes, blood tainted urine, and weeping pustules. I advise treatment by a paladin, cleric, or priest if possible. In the regular case where there is no holy healer available, the disease may run its course in 1-2 weeks, especially in those of strong constitution. If bloody coughing is observed, the patient is doomed and should be expected to expire in 2-5 days." - Virnosian Doctors Notice

The mid to late 4th century was marked primarily by the plague of Virnos, which saw widespread death and devastation for the Fallen City by the magically influenced disease.   While the plague was the big news of the land, there were other occurrences. Including the reemergence of the now called "Dark Drow" from the underdark. At the time there was little understanding of the difference between the Drow of Lyath'Or and the Drow of the underdark, and widespread prejudice resulted. The Dark Drow would often during this period raid isolated towns and villages, taking their people for unknown purposes.   The Dwarves also took a more prominent role on the continent as the realms opened up for trade and travel, and more Dwarves left for the "surface dweller" lands, and some surface dwellers even went below ground.   There was also the somewhat apocryphal visit from the Wahar Torvish colonies, with one group of travelers asserting that a strange plague (implied to be vampirism) was spreading through the colonies, followed by another group of oddly pale elves who asserted the opposite. The truth of this visit is unknown, but the odd explorer from Kalin to Wahar has confirmed that vampirism does hold a lot of sway on the land.

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