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Tzinael Utopia

The Tzinael Utopia was created by a group of druids, who believed that nature needed to be saved from the rising Mist and the creatures that came with it.
Those druids came together, elevated a huge part of the ground up in the sky, molded it with magic so that very different environments could coexist in a limited space, and carried there as many species of animals and plants from the ground.
Differently from most territories in Nimbaar, the Tzinael Utopia is still conneccted to the ground: a huge column of earth, with magically controlled rivers flowing upwards, grows from the soil of the planet and connects it to the land of this country.
Some druids believed what the creators of the Utopia were doing was just as unnatural as The Mist, and decided to remain on the ground, along with many members of the species who had strong ties to nature. Other people from those species, joined the Utopia, instead.
Nowadays most of the centaurs, firbolgs, forest gnomes, lizardfolks, loxodons and wood elves of Nimbaar live in the Tzinael Utopia, while there are no news about those who remained on the ground.


The Utopia is only loosely organized: the druids divided it into different biomes, each of them guarded and controlled by a group formed by those who have most experience in that environment.
Each group then organizes themselves as they please: most of them have formed new druidic circles, each guided by an archdruid or some powerful, nature-related creature.
The leaders of the various groups meet periodically, but it isn't a formal governement. The Utopia only needs the idea that nature has to be preserved as a guide.


The Utopia has a large amount of natural resources, comparable to those owned by the Kingdom of Gaosha.
Many of its inhabitants are powerful druids and expert rangers.
Almost none of the citizens of the Utopia owns Flying Ships: most of them never leave this country, and those who do either transform into flying creatures or use one as a mount.

Demography and Population

The species that live in the Tzinael Utopia are rare in the other Floating Cities of Nimbaar. Many member of these species are closely tied to nature a lot of them decide to remain on the ground, to try to salvage as much of the natural world as possible from the things in the Mist.
Centaurs, firbolgs, forest gnomes, lizardfolks, loxodons and wood elves are the most common species in the Utopia, but anyone who believes in the importance of preserving nature is welcome.


The Utopia is the single largest landmass in the sky of Nimbaar, and it is still connected to the ground via a huge column of magically molded earth. It is divided in four parts by mountains; each part contains very different ecosystems.
It is located between the Andranes Republic and Oswand.


The King of Days is the deity worshiped by most Tzinaeli.

Foreign Relations

The Utopia does not consider itself a state, so it does not have actual diplomats to take care of foreign relations.
It has good relations with the Andranes Republic, anyway.
Many fear, that other countries might decide to attack the Utopia, if, for any reason, they will find themselves lacking raw materials.

Agriculture & Industry

The Utopia could be the country with the best agriculture, farming and production of raw materials, but they prefere to stay out of the market.
Their production is limited to what they need to sustain themselves.


The average level of instruction in the Utopia is relatively low. Its citizens are expert in the knowledge of nature and how to handle animals, but not much else.
The Utopia does not have a proper public education system.

Nature finds a way

Geopolitical, Theocracy
Alternative Names
The land of druids
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Barter system
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

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