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Andranes Republic

Andranes Republic is the most ancient country in Nimbaar, and the first to build a floating city.
The majority of Andanesi are elves, but people of any ancestry can become citizen, if they live in the republic long enough. Despite that, dwarves and orcs are still extremely rare.


Andranes Republic is governed by a parliament, elected every ten years. Theoretically, every citizen that reached adulthood can vote for the elections. Though the necessary age to vote is 80, as the laws were written by elves, making it really hard for short lived humanoids to be able to express their preference.
The head of state is the prime minister, which is elected by the people as well.


Andranes was a powerful elven warrior wizard who lived in the Days of Heroes.
He founded a great kingdom, which later on grew to become an empire.
Few generations later, the empire had become so large, that the words of local lords became much more important than those of a far away emperor. People started choosing for themselves who should rule on the local administrations and in the following years that became the norm for the whole country.
From that, it didn't take much for the people to start asking for the power to choose who could hold even the most important roles in the government.
After a bit of political struggle, the people got what they wanted: the emperor stepped down and the Republic was born.

Demography and Population

Elves are the most common inhabitants of the republic, followed by a large community of aarakocras.
Almost every other species lives here, although dwarves and orcs are exceptionally rare.
The Republic has one of the lowest density of population in all of Nimbaar.


The republic is formed by many different, average-size, Floating Cities which fly around the first floating city ever built. It is south of Kingdom of Gaosha, west of Coatul, north-west of the Obalius Empire, and east of The Thriatic Threaty.


The worship of The Mage and The Jester is particularly important to the people of the Andranes Republic.

Foreign Relations

The republic holds good relations with the Tzinael Utopia and the Kingdom of Gaosha. Those with the The Thriatic Threaty are tense, although officially neutral, just as those with Oswand. The Obalius Empire is considered an enemy of the republic. Relations with the Gjelargan Bankocracy and Coatul are practically nonexistent.


Since every citizen is supposed to participate in the political process of the Republic, free basic education is given to everyone who wants it, though it is not mandatory.
Various institutions for higher learning are present in the Republic, especially many specialized in arts and arcane magic.

By the will of the people

Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
The Elven Republic
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Economic System
As most other countries, the Andranes Republic uses gold, silver and copper coins.
Their golden coins bear the representation of the Andranesi people, the silver ones a stylized image of the first floating city, and the copper coins the portrait of king Andranes the First.
Major Exports
The republic exports food and magical items.
Major Imports
The main imports are construction materials and Electrum from Gaosha.
Legislative Body
The parliament makes the laws that apply to the whole country, but local administrations have the authority to laws regarding economical issues.
Judicial Body
Judges are appointed by the parliament, and maintain their role for their whole lives.
During trials, the judges are accompanied by a popular jury, made of randomly picked common folk.
Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

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